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May the journey be a smooth one Mike!  :)





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Mike your gesture is amazing. I am sure the library will appreciate the sweat and love that you put into this beauty. I look forward to your next build!

Best, Ian


We are at the end of a long journey and the Victory has finally taken to sail and made it to her home port without incident I might add. I made sure and rode in the back of the pickup all the way to the Library, which was only about 2 miles, but nail biting miles they were. I felt every little bump in the road, even though I told my son in law not to drive over 10 miles an hour. But it seems not even what you thought was a smooth road really isn't that smooth when moving something so fragile. They had a few guys from the City come by my house to help load it up and then met us at the library to unload and set her up. The news papers were there and will do a press release. But thankfully there wasn't a lot of fan fair or fuss made about it, I wasn't wanting that and I'm glad the City respected my wishes. Like I told the library Coordinator that my gester wasn't all that noble, I just have always wanted to build a large Victory model, but had no where to display it. So now I can come by and enjoy it any time I want.   


Here is a few pictures and even one of me, the old fat guy in the yellow shirt.









She looks splendid in her new home Mike.  Congrats on making such a wonderful gesture. BTW, you ain't that old or fat.  :P





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild



That's a fine model and a very generous gift.


It looks like they provided a nice, well lit spot for it where people can walk around it and see and appreciate the work that went into it.


Well done!







I'm glad and a little sad at the same time that it is over with and in it's rightful place. But it sure did leave a big empty spot in the living room :( But like my wife said, "it won't take you long to fill it up with something else". That's what happens when you have been married for 42 years, there is no guess work.





She looks splendid in her new home Mike.  Congrats on making such a wonderful gesture. BTW, you ain't that old or fat.  :P


George, this reminds me of something that happened to me a while back. My wife came into the room wearing a dress and asked "Hon, does this dress make me look old or fat?" Well I was busy at the time watching TV. The only thing I heard was "Hon does this dress make me look fat". So I responded "noooooo, that dress doesn't make you look fat at all". So she looked a bit miffed and asked "so you are saying it makes me look old?" Well, I knew I better stop a take a minute and forget about the TV show I was watching because this was about to get interesting. I started thinking of how in the hell am I going to get out of this hole I'm burying myself in. I responded to her that are you kidding? "That dress makes you look beautiful". She smiled and said to me "Nice recovery".




:D  :D Good save Mike! 





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild


very nicely done  congrats to a great build  i know the community will enjoy your hard work for generations    such a noble gesture  one to be proud of  it is nice to see her at her home port


Thanks JP, but nothing noble about my gesture. Like I told the Library Coordinator, I'm not being noble here, I have just always wanted to build a large Victory model, but displaying it would have been an issue for me. But since they have plenty of room and only two miles away, decision was obvious and a bit selfish as well :rolleyes: hahahahahahaha especially since I can visit it any time I want and enjoy watching people checking her out and enjoying themselves as much as I would be.



Posted (edited)

Well Mike. Congrats mate on your build and display.


Seems we have the same kind of thing in mind, 'but you got there first', on your build and completion.


Great work.


Frank. :piratebo5:  

Edited by foxy
  • 1 month later...

Hi Mike


A great build thread, and a happy ending for the Victory. Sharing it with others at the Public Library is a fine gesture and gives ship modelers a reputation boost for doing that. Kudos!


I am currently building the Model Space version of this kit, which I believe is identical in most respects (if not all) to your AL version.

Have just laid the first six planks on each side of the ship, marked the gun ports, and will drill then cut them out next.

My question is, what will the dummy guns fasten to in the two gun ports (port and starboard) closest to the bow? Inside all the other gun ports, it's obvious the drill must make a hole in the board behind each port. But the two forward ports closest to the bow have no such board behind them. Did you add something for the dummy gun barrels to attach to?





Craig, on the AL version of the Vic, both upper and lower gun ports closest to the bow are closed off with no cannon mounted in them.

There wasn't even guns furnished enough to configure those gun ports. Now if you intend to use them, I would suggest figuring that out now before you get her planked

and add re-enforcement for the dummy barrels if your kit supplies them.


Here is a picture to show what I did. Also thank you for the kind words, it is a bucket list wish that came true for me.

Like I told the Library, there was no nobility here at all, just completing a wish that I had made to myself

quite awhile ago.








Thanks for your reply. The closed ports in those locations nearest the bow make sense. However, at this stage of construction, my instruction manuals show the ports being cut open, into the planking. I assume that perhaps they will end up being closed like yours after final construction.


Are you a lifetime resident of Mt Dora? Many years ago, my two oldest siblings attended a private boarding school there. They often spoke of the good memories and friends they met while going to school there. They worked the fields in the summers when school was not in session. Probably something that's unheard of today.





Yeah and even though $900.00 sounds steep, by the time you buy the wood which will probably be either poplar or red oak if bought from your local hardware store like Lowes or Home Depot and then the Plexiglass, it would have cost me close to $650.00-$700.00. So once I found Abordage and their quoted price of $900.00 for a case that size which included almost $200.00 for shipping cost was a no brainer especially when I could get mahogany. I would not hesitate to buy another one from Abordage.




Posted (edited)

By the way, I'm now building the OcCre Montanes, which is the same size as the Victory, so I will be ordering another display case from Abordage. This time I will have to add in the display lighting kit to accompany the display case. I think it's like $100.00 more for the lighting.




ps: I'm hoping that some nice person or company will step up and donate the display case so that I won't have to be out of pocket for that as well as the actual model and the time involved in building it. We'll have to see how that goes. But this will more than likely be my last model unless I can find a Sovereign of the Seas kit that someone is willing to part with for around $500.00 or so. That might tempt me into building another.

Edited by mtdoramike
  • 4 weeks later...

No, I really didn't enlarge the gun port openings. What happened was, I forgot to paint the gun port liners red BEFORE I installed them and painted the sides. So once the sides were painted, the gun port liners were basically lost. So I went back and dug out the liners and then replaced them with painted gun port liners, which took me about 15 hours extra time and one big head ache. So if you want painted gun port liners then I would whole heartedly suggest you sand down the sides FIRST, then paint the sides SECOND and then third is to install the PAINTED gun port liners. But this is only necessary if you are painting your Vic and want painted gun port liners. If you intend to leave natural, then make step three to install natural wood liners.  also had to go by Hobby Lobby and get extra wood because I ran out of the natural wood for the gun port liners.




Thanks for clarifying that, Mike. Everything you said makes perfect sense.


One thing I'm finding particularly annoying is the lack of plans in the Model Space version of this kit. As you can imagine, you often find yourself flying by the seat of your pants because you cannot "see" the dimensions or other particulars that come in later stages, because the parts packs are sent out one month at a time. Right now, I have no idea what size wood will be provided for the gun port linings. :huh:   


If not mistaken, I think it was like 1x3mm in like walnut or sapeli they call it. It's a nice wood if you decide not to paint the liners. If I were you, since this is a very complex build, I would get to certain stages and then wait or take a couple of weeks break because I know with the Latina kit, which I believe Model Spaces uses for their installment kit, I needed to read several steps ahead to make sure of certain things before I did them. Now if you go to Model Space forums, they have or had all of the steps to building this model and I even used it at times to verify something that I needed clarification on. I like Model Space because it actually breaks down different steps making it a bit easier to understand.



  • 1 month later...

I just got an invitation to my Cities next council meeting, which will be next Tuesday April 19 where they are supposed to present me with a approclimation for my donation of the Victory model to the Library.





Congratulations Mike!   :cheers: An honor most deserved!  :)





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild

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