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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. It's a bit late for me to do a log now David as I have finished the ship but I like the idea. I agree generally about Amati kits, I have made Revenge as well but they are mean with their wood and all the bits and pieces, deadeyes, rivets, o pins and the like so you either need a nice stash of bits or beware of making mistakes or losing any!!
  2. Just to add a postscript to this log, (hope you don't mind David) I have just finished the same model and with effort she certainly builds into a very handsome beast. I won't post any pictures of mine as they will just look the same. I did try to light mine with varying success as some lights are too bright and some too dim. The portholes are so tiny that the lighting effect doesn't really show. Anyway, many thanks to you David as your log has been invaluable. This model is definitely not for the novice as you have to refer to written instructions, a photo album and eight sets of plans all at the same time. Planning ahead is essential and you really do have to work out what order to do things in on your own. Having said that it is a very good package albeit rather pricey and do be careful, there is no extra anything with this kit which makes mistakes very costly. A really good challenge for all you master builders out there!!
  3. Good thoughts so far, thank you all. It is not a problem I have immediately and have not had before but, on the model (Revenge) that I am building at the moment I am concerned that when fitting the sails they are going to put quite a weight on the standing rigging etc and make them sag. I have been using cotton thread so far.
  4. Does anyone have any brilliant ideas as to how you can tighten rigging lines when they have stretched ?
  5. Maybe I am wrong but it seems to me that there is a mixture of opinions expressed here which is interesting. My failing memory seems to think that I may have tried both methods. I seem to remember that attaching the sails on the fixed yards on the model was quite a headache and broke off a few bits whilst trying. So I am very tempted to sew the sails to the yards and then put them on. Thank you all for your contributions.
  6. We may be at cross purposes here. I have put all the blocks etc on the yards so they are done. I have yet to do the standing rigging on the ship but I can't remember or know if it is better to attach the sails to the yards first and then attach the yards to the masts fully loaded as it were.
  7. Thank you both. I know I have done this before but I had forgotten how to do it!! I think by 'dressing the yards' you mean attaching all the pulleys etc in which case I have done all that and they will be ready to go on. I feel sure that by attaching the sails to the yards first that part is easier and that means all the running rigging is done with the sails on which I guess makes sense.
  8. I feel sure this has been asked many times but, is it best to fix the yards to the masts before adding the sails or attach the sails to the yards first?
  9. I use revell aqua paints mostly but vallejo for the skin tones. Where gloss is required on models I don't think you can beat Humbrol enamels.
  10. Oops, sorry John, it is yours not mine.
  11. I am at a bit of a loss with this log. It definitely is mine but not coming up complete here. I checked this morning and found the whole log right up to finishing the plane so I don't think you are pinching John B's. I am still trying to find a model airways Nieuport at a decent price, I want to make the whole set !
  12. Good thing to think ahead - especially with one of these kits and you will find you need to use the instruction book and plans together all the time. The Sopwith to my mind had the best instructions of all the model airways planes. I am building their version of the Cutiss Jenny at the moment and it is proving to be a real brain teaser !! As for weathering the wood, I didn't bother. By the time it has been handled, cut, glued etc etc it kind of ages itself !! I also gave a couple of coats of varnish in the end and now my Sopwith has been finished for a while the wood has 'calmed down' quite a lot. I'll bet you can't wait for Christmas !!
  13. Steve, it is a great kit and good fun to build except as you say for the propeller ! I hadn't carved one before and made a bit of a mess of it. What I suggest you do is get hold of a cheap plastic one and use it as a visual guide. The sopwith has a peculiar shape to it anyway but a visual guide will help you.
  14. Who is this Denise ? Is she gorgeous ? Just to let you know Popeye that I am still watching ! Nice work on them stairs.
  15. Hey Boyd, apart from breeding (!!!!) where have you been ? Haven't heard from you for ages. Are you still modelling or did your wonderful Vic put you off ?
  16. John, I thought you would ask. It's a new setup called Real Model Pilots. They have some designs but will do bespoke as well. They are all done bu 3d printer and whilst they look a bit rough out of the box they paint up nicely. They will paint them for you at a price !!!!Have a look at their website www.realmodelpilots.co.uk Good luck.
  17. Just in case anyone out there is still interested I did manage to source some 1/16 scale pilots to go with my models. Horrible price but for me they just make things complete and well worth it. They are WW1 pilots and were purchased unpainted.
  18. So, what is the best Vic Kit available out there ?
  19. Do you get a fleet? Maybe a flock or a herd ? Or even a swarm !!!
  20. Just to let you all know I have now completed the Albatros as well complete this time with a fully working control stick. Practice makes perfect don't you know ! I still have the Curtis Jenny in my stash to do and have been trying to find a Nieuport at a reasonable price but no luck so far. Sometimes I wish I lived in the US - so much cheaper there. Anyway, a few pics for you.
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