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the learner

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Everything posted by the learner

  1. I am still here! The Triton has been put aside until I finish another project...will get back to it soon I hope!
  2. I don't feel so bad now when something does not seem to fit the plans, field fitting is the solution! Thanks Ed!
  3. Looking good! field fitting takes longer but more accurate? or a better fit!
  4. I do not know what the current price is now but perhaps if we was to get enough orders it might bring those cost down!
  5. Looks very profesional! Keep up the good work and keep the pictures comming.
  6. Good start looking forward to completion, will follow!
  7. Good to see you back looking foward to the completion of your log and inspriation to all of us nonproficient cad users
  8. Can't let this Log rotate past page 3! Edt must be on vacation, can not wait until the next chapter.
  9. The build is comming along in good fashion, Harold would be proud of you! I love Mr. Delacroix's monographs as I have several of them including the La Venus, I also followed the Le Gross Vantra build on the french site but have not visited there in quite some tim so do not know if it is still up
  10. Yes same here, looking fantastic! any more current pics
  11. Good to hear Captain Buddy is doing well and has resumed his post! The Long Boat looks fantastic! on the exteriour fairing why do you not wait until you have some more support on the interiour, ie: decking and deck framing, floor planking, etc'
  12. The wales look good! I think I will wait until I have the frist set of deck in before I start on the wale
  13. Aldo, It appears you are only doing a single planking, Thats a fantastic job she looks nice and smooth! Can yo go back and replace some of the missing pictures? Guy
  14. Welcome aboard Yuri! Your build looks fantastic and it appears you are doing every thing right! building jigs, spacers, etc. Looking foward on following the rest of your build Cheers
  15. Daniel, yes as I fit the gunports I am making some adjustments but there will still be some that are not square. Pete, Thanks for the encouragement I have not decided yet how much planking I will do! most likely I will pick the worst side doing the most planking on that side. I was thinking about removing some of the filling frames to open the inside up for viewing. I just have for remember I am learning while doing! I can't wait until I start the decks inside!
  16. Some updated pictures! still working on the gun ports and fairing the inside. The framing is starting to look a bit cleaner. This vessel has a very sharp entry as you can see by the picture. The starbord side gun ports are pretty much cleaned up and have started on the portside. Yes some of the frames are not square!
  17. Anything from Chinese coolies to crude oil! Sugar, freight, manufactured goods...basically anything that could be packaged in a barrel or burlap!
  18. Thanks for the conversion chart, will have it laminated and put in my work book
  19. The scrap box gets used for more than just wedeges some times, well many times!
  20. The wood is too soft, perhaps the plastic wedges modified. Mark I like your wedges! I pull pieces out of my scrap box some times cutting a bit off. I will not throw away the scrap until I have finished the model.
  21. A big WOW! great log, I have a friend that builds ships that really sail and it is facinating to see the type of material he uses to construct his models compared to what I use for static models. will definately continue to follow your log. Guy
  22. Thanks Rich! Richard, after I added the temporary rybands I was amazed on how rigid the entire structure became and I am sure it will become more rigid as I add the inside decking structure and I think I will be able to correct the (hogging) rising of the keel as its only in the stern fourth of the keel Still working on the gun ports and cleaning up the inside but I am making progress Guy
  23. Wow! In David White's "The Frigate Diana" there is a detailed drawing of a brody stove. The detail on the pictures above mirror White's drawings with the exception of the condenser details. Fantastic build on the stove. This would be a good item to produce and sell! Guy
  24. Bob, A very interesting story and I am glad to see she is still around. I was stationed in Norfolk in the mid 60's and served on several woban class tugs, I too would be interested in finding a set of line drawings but have not been sucessful to date. I did find a set of drawing but no lines I believe from NAVSEASYS. I will definately expand my search back to NAVSEASYS and the Navy Historical Department at the Washington Navy Yard. Thanks, Guy
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