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the learner

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Everything posted by the learner

  1. Oh what a great job you are doing! I just perused your build to see if you are using any different methods that are given or pictured in the Syren instruction manual. ​A friend gifted me a started Syren model and kit to add to my already growing shipyard and dry-dock, I am in the starting process of plating the hull and wanted to see if you were varying from the instructions. I have to ask how difficult was it to construct the nail jig? I am debating on whether I should use that method or just leave the plates flat. Did you apply a coat of contact cement to the hull before applying the plates? The copper tape already has glue on the back but this was only to hold it on the pieces of glass until the solder was applied so I think the extra coating of contact cement would insure the plating would never fall off.
  2. Oh Wow! man have I missed a heap of fantastic work. Your build is progressing nicely I can not wait for the book!
  3. Wow How time flies! Yes I have been working on the Triton but have aloso been working on other ship projects as I have 5 hulls in dry dock and perhaps a few other non ship related projects. The mother-in-law just passed away last month and the wife and I have been working on her house getting ready to put on the market some time in January. I am also getting ready to do my first hull coppering so looking forward to that. I will post some pictures on that but not here. Perhaps I can find a thread for that on the site. I also visited and joined the Mystic Group this last summer on a trip to an international stamp show in New York I look forward to returning to use the research facilities...I hear its fantastic! Cheers
  4. Don't want to let that back burner to stay unlit for too long....too hard to re-light, I know!
  5. Just perused your build an you have a fantastic start! On the gratings how do you adjust for camber?
  6. Yep! High School 1962 drafting class. still have the one I bought! now I have a new use for it, but how do you keep it clean of CA
  7. Non-working to Keep the viewers from releasing the anchor great representation on the release mechanism as described by Campbell and fantastic documentation on your part Ed.
  8. The blades definately need to be shown verticle on the sweeps but perhaps on a slight angle aft? it would make for a bit thinner case. great job on the dolphins.
  9. If you purchased AutoCAD Lt you can probably go back to mfg. and ask for upgraded 32/64bit install program
  10. For the Master Builder! A fantastic build, well documented and a great abundance of well done construction detail pictures. I like that you are going to display the completed model on its slipways and kudos on the lighting!
  11. Post 109 I do love those lovely hinges, just wondering how you made them so nice. LOL
  12. I like your hinge design! it appears that they were meant to allow the doors to open flat against the aft bulkhead of the cabin out of the way.
  13. what a fantastic way to construct chain plates! I have always cut them out of flat stock, drilled the holes and filed the sides down, but never getting consistancy on the shapes. New way, love it!
  14. Druxey, How did you miss the lower panels on the first set of sides? I think the rebuild looks much nicer and very professional
  15. Great start on the iron work! I have recently taken over the masting and rigging of the Cutty Sark That a friend built. It will be pretty much from scratch as my friend bought a older partial kit. I have all the plans so I will have something viable to build from. I have torn out the stubs and have constructed the lower mast and am working on the lower tops. I will be watching your build and perhaps a few questions from time to time.
  16. Hello Druxley, On post 251 and 255 the pillars look like they are on a slight fwd/aft slant, just the photos? looking good!
  17. fantastic build, well documented, I look forward to that first finished build.
  18. All too familiar! Great job. I still have my plug and plan on building 2 more boats in the near future Guy
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