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the learner

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Everything posted by the learner

  1. lovely! you are a master. yes I will go back to your previous post on applying foil.
  2. I Have looked at all your builds and your eye for detailing in each one is fantastic!
  3. WELL DONE! George, from the pictures one would not know its a plastic kit and great detailing beyond just gluing the parts together.
  4. Your build is fantastic! great job no matter how long it took. On the white rigging and sails try using a strong mixture of tea placed in spray bottle and spray a fine mixture on the sails and rigging while wiping dry the exposed wood. the Tannen in the tea will darken the sails and rigging enough to allow a great build to shine. I have used tea in this manner to color/darken sails with no ill effect on the material.
  5. Doris, what a magnificent job on the cannon and carriage but you are missing a few photos between No 1 and No 2, Do you think you could show some of the processes of applying the wood foil on the carriage?
  6. Great pictures on your progress! love the double steering wheel/helm detailing, a nice touch for the model.
  7. Interesting Build and progressive photography discussion!
  8. So that was your primary reason, I am sure it will be coveted by your family for generations to come!
  9. John, just joining your build log and like, and your method of building frames is unique. There are a lot of ships through out history with the name " Meteor" how did you happen to decide to construct this particular model beyond your great great grand parents ? I will be viewing you progress for the rest of the build.
  10. Wow is right! So much progress in a short time, I see the framing is looking great!
  11. Still here and still planning on finishing up framing for this build. Glad to see we have had a few more join
  12. I like that you are breaking each rigging section down as you progress.
  13. Love the detailing on the joinery, your build is progressing nicely!
  14. Hello Cristikc, I have recently acquired a Mantua Sovereign of the Seas kit and will be following your build and saving some of your pictures and build tips as this will be a future build for me, I have several others in drydock that need to be finished first.. your build is going well and looks very good!
  15. I just spent an hour perusing your build of the 74 cannon ship, there is only one thing I can say about it, Wow!
  16. Been awhile but your build is quite nice and progressing beautifully. Thanks for reposting the photos on the stern deadwood construction! This was the Alfred I was telling you about, even unfinished it is still a good looking build
  17. Interesting build! I have the book on F.H. af Chapman's drawings (newer version) and think it if fascinating read. look forward to the rest of your build!
  18. I love the work a twist on an older bread and butter construction, fantastic
  19. Your mill work is fantastic, please provide as much of your process using this tool as possible, Thanks
  20. Agreed Bluenose2! Yes you can recycle for other uses, gouges and knives are a good example and they hold a good edge when re-tempered and dipped in oil
  21. Marsalv, A project it is a big model! I have the book and the plans so I will be following along with much interest. You have made a good start!
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