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Chuck Seiler

NRG Member
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Everything posted by Chuck Seiler

  1. There are a couple good model clubs in your general area. if you are interested. Not much activity due to COVID, but... The Ship Modelers Association (SMA) meets up in Fullerton. The San Diego Ship Modelers Guild meets in San Diego at the San Diego Maritime Museum on the ferry BERKELEY. While in person meetings are on hold, they have been holding meeting virtually for the past 2 months.
  2. 😲 EEEEKK!!!!!! Balsa wood or basswood? If you are planking with balsa hold that thought. Go to a hobby store or Michael's and get some basswood. It may be a bit late now for your current model, but below is what I think they were trying to represent.
  3. A warm welcome to MSW. Where in California do you hail from?
  4. Outstanding video build log. You are setting the bar high. Did you let each bulkhead dry before gluing in the next? Looking forward to the next episode.
  5. When did bricks come into common use. I guess I never gave it much thought. I like the mold. I could have used that for my PHILADELPHIA cook stove. 3D printing is fascinating. Printer prices are coming down but the other technology involved confounds me; scanners? CAD? A serious investment in resources and learning.
  6. ...and looking forward to the October 2021 NRG Conference in Oxnose.
  7. After working full bore through the pandemic, I have just executed a long planned retirement. A couple weeks of decompression and model building will begin anew. Several models in the ways and in the planning stages. I will be coming to Chuck for blocks and line at some time in the couple-months-down-the-line future.
  8. I agree, a bit early, but I figured replicas of date-appropriate ships are probably a bit sparse... "besides, who will know the difference". My point is that it was interesting to see a cog underway in a rough sea rather than on a placid body of water. Also, living conditions of 'passengers'.
  9. For second planking, I recommend tucking the forward end of the plank up under the rabbet of the stem before working it back towards the stern. Soak it, twist is and let it dry in place before gluing.
  10. I recommend giving the rearmost inch or 2 a good soak with isopropl alcohol. That will de-glue it and make it easier.
  11. The other day I was watching the Russel Crow version of ROBIN HOOD. In one scene, they are traveling from France to England and their conveyance of choice is a cog. Very interesting.
  12. I love those barrels. I will need to review that part of the log and practice some.
  13. Hmmmm. I thought that was the Battle of Midway...but I have ya covered.
  14. Rodolfo, I missed where those were the size of the holes. I thought they were a reference number. The 03 holes appear to be right over the top of the fore and aft bulkhead of the deckhouse.
  15. Could the "holes" have been for bolts (03) and eyebolts (10)? Deckhouse looks great!
  16. Byrnes. He is a sponsor here and a great guy as well.
  17. Some are fancier than others. Here is the firepit from gunboat PHILADELPHIA.
  18. I have always found it handy to have a scale person (about 5 foot tall for that period) to act as a size gauge.
  19. Are you saying the anchors on the SHIPYARD cogs are incorrect?
  20. That is a common problem. Fight the urge to get the hull done quickly. If you don't, you will get into follow-on stages and start finding problems with the hull you would not have had if you took the time.
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