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Chuck Seiler

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Everything posted by Chuck Seiler

  1. I have used Ocooch (https://ocoochhardwoods.com/ ) for cherry, maple and beech, but it requires ripping.
  2. True. I missed the part where he does NOT have a Byrnes saw. I'm not sure you can get any GOOD specialty (i.e. not basswood) wood without ripping it yourself. I live in a 850 sq ft condo (although it has a garage) and have a Byrnes Saw. I couldn't imagine modeling without it.
  3. SYREN Ship Model Company. Right down the street from you. Sponsor here, Great quality. Strongly recommended.
  4. A friend of mine who specializes in miniatures turned me on to the use of cigarette paper. It is thin, but strong. When the San Diego Maritime Museum had us recreate the Battle of Trafalgar, I used this to make all flags for both fleets (including "England expects..."). Happy Trafalgar Day by the way. The downside is that you are limited in size.
  5. Ken, Stopping by after a long hiatus. This is really looking great!!! As I approach retirement, I plan to dust off my PROVIDENCE and get back to work on it. I will DEFINITELY be looking at your build log from time to time as a reference,
  6. The angle of the sternpost makes for an interesting arc on the tiller.
  7. Alas, the fate of many replicas and reproductions. People are willing and energized to fund and build the shiny new ship, but maintaining it is boring and people lose interest.
  8. I have used cherry in the past with much success. SYREN used to carry it, but no longer does. 😢 I got my last batch from Ocooch Hardwoods. https://ocoochhardwoods.com/
  9. That's what scuppers are for.
  10. I am not sure if I can get the alcohol version here in the People's Republic of California. Amazon will not ship it and Michael's only has the water based version. I may have to get it next time I am in Arizona. Any thoughts?
  11. Substantially thicker? maybe so. I only look at my double edge once a week when I change them out...and I am usually half asleep. I just know the single edge that I posted works great and I keep my fingers. ...and some day I will get back to work on CardyDog.
  12. Clare, Here is what I was talking about. At first I was using a scalpel but it just wasn't cutting the mustard (so to speak). I got 5 pack of these and they work great. They ARE thicker than a normal double edged blade (which I use), but not overly so.
  13. I don't believe you named the model. Will it be a ship-rigged sloop LIKE the FLY, different class? ...or something else?
  14. I had that same problem with the hull planks. I concluded that I didn't flatten the plank out enough as I was gluing it (them) in and the result is the plank did reach all the way to where it was supposed to be. For what it's worth, your bulwark plank nails are alot closer to being correct than mine. Looking good! Maybe we can have a cog fleet at the 2021 NRG conference.
  15. I believe Thunder correctly stated that the description on the box is for the 1777 frigate ALLIANCE. It was built in Mass. by the Hackett brothers. This model is not that ALLIANCE. Thunder....keep posting.
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