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Landlubber Mike

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Everything posted by Landlubber Mike

  1. Amazing work Chris! Just out of curiosity, what are you doing for the red color? Is it a specialty wood? Paint? Dye? Stain?
  2. Hi Chris! We chatted a bit on MSW 1.0 before the Great Crash. My wife had our twins back in March, so I haven't been able to get to the shipyard much lately unfortunately. Your Confederacy is amazing - the pear looks gorgeous, both oiled and dyed. And the carvings are incredibly good. I've been doing research on my next build, which will probably be the Corel Unicorn and maybe the MS Charles Morgan as a parallel build - after seeing these pictures, I think I'm going to go with pear for the builds Hope you and the family are doing well - hope you're getting some sleep too
  3. Sorry to hear that. Good luck next time
  4. Hi folks - thanks again for the recommendation. I received the bench in the mail a week ago and put it together today. One of the drawer pieces was a bit dinged up, but it put together really easily and is of very sturdy construction. One criticism I've read is that the drawers didn't glide very well, but mine seem to glide fine. I'm very happy with the purchase, especially for only costing about $127. I saw that they were running a 25% off sale on July 4th so I would have saved a few bucks had I waited, but all in all, a good deal. Here is a picture of the bench, with a few ship modeling tools and other items on it - Sherline mill, Dremel workstation and Proxxon mini-lathe so far, will likely add some Byrnes tools as well (Dewalt scroll saw next to the bench). It's in my HVAC utility room, so hence a few of the pipes, etc. in the picture Better than trying to explain to the admiral why I'm using power tools on the kitchen or living room table So thanks again everyone!
  5. The NMM does not have models of the Unicorn and Lyme, but Gardiner uses the Guadeloupe (also spelled Guadalupe) as one of the last of that design ordered in 1757 and launched in 1763. This will likely be the design I go with when I build the Unicorn.
  6. I've been reading the Gardiner book "The Sailing Frigate." It's an interesting read, as it goes through the history of the development of the frigate, using NMM models to showcase his points. Ian, there's a chapter in the book called "Filling in the Waist" where he opens by saying "The forecastle and quarterdecks were originally entirely separate, but a significant trend in the development of the frigate was the gradual closing in of the waist, eventually producing an uninterrupted spar deck." Using a 1745 model (SLR0475) he notes that "The 1745 Establishment that introduced a longer quarterdeck and a more substantial forecastle also added a broad capping strip over the waist gunwales." http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/66436.html Using SLR0315, he notes that "With the 'true' frigate came a broadening of this capping strip into a gangway....From about 1757 quarterdecks were built with short extensions forward at each side, called on draughts 'the fixed part of the gangways', usually forming landings for the steps down into the waist. http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/66276.html In remaining years through the early part of the 19th century, you see the gangways raised to be flush with the deck (1782), fixed skid beams under the gangways (1790s) and closing of the waist in 1805 and after.
  7. Hi Hamilton, just wanted to say you're doing a fantastic job on this build. It's very inspiring as for my next build (the Corel Unicorn), I plan to do a lot of similar kit bashing. Not sure if you finished your transom or not, but one thing you might consider is buying decorative pieces from Cornwall Model Boats - here is the link to decorative pieces offered by Corel that they sell (click on other manufacturers for the decorative pieces they sell): http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/corel-decorations.html The Unicorn kit's transom and stern gallery tops and bottoms are cast metal, bulky and not all that nice looking. I'm thinking of scratching the transom and galleries, and adding the decorative pieces separately.
  8. Did you win the auction?
  9. Wow, very nice build - are you adding sails? This ship probably looks amazing in full sails.
  10. I bought mine on eBay a year ago for $110 or so. It was worth every penny as it made turning the masts on my Badger a breeze. It's the first lathe I ever worked with, so can't really compare it. Blue Ensign on his Pegasus log has a discussion about the DB250 - he seems to like it, and also bought a bed extension for it which I will probably buy down the road as well.
  11. I glued the masts on my Badger for the same reason. The rake was predetermined by the slots in the keel, so it was just a matter of limiting the lateral motion. Is there a particular reason not to glue the masts?
  12. Really nice work Brian - you're right, the Niagara has really nice lines. I'd love to see someone put sails on her - I think she'd look really fantastic
  13. Wow Ian, very nice work! Authentic too - I know folks build these out of wood or paper then paint with metallic paint, but this is absolutely fantastic.
  14. We're all friends here - show us the progress if you'd like Congrats on wrapping up the living room - I've had many similar orders from the Admiral in recent years that have interrupted my build Good question on the tie-offs. I don't have as much knowledge to rigging yet, as I'm just finishing the standing rigging on the Badger. I did get the Lees book too (a used copy off of Abebooks like I mentioned on the other thread for a relatively low amount). It's a fairly detailed tome of information if I remember correctly but seemed like it would be very useful.
  15. Ha, I need to finish my Badger first but sure, why not!
  16. Hi John, looking good. I recently got the Morgan kit, which will be my next build (alongside the Corel Unicorn). I was pretty impressed with the kit contents and instructions, though will plan to scratch or otherwise replace some of the fittings and possibly replace some of the kit wood. I also got a copy of the book from the Mystic Seaport book store, which has some interesting tidbits. Sorry if I missed this, but are you planning on double planking the hull? I read in the instructions that you can do so using thin strip wood. I don't know that I'm confident enough in my planking abilities to do a single planked hull yet. Glad that we are back on the build and not talking about eels
  17. Hi Ian, hope you are doing well. I ended up getting the AOTS Pandora book as well as Gardiner's "The Sailing Frigate - A History in Ship Models" (both very nice books). Not to add more fuel to the fire, but I am firmly convinced that you are correct that the waist of the Corel kit is inaccurate. Looking at the Pandora and the comparable ships in the Gardiner book, the waist area is completely open. I have a feeling that I will build my Unicorn that way as well, in particular so that I can add small boats to the model which I think would be accurate (if I remember correctly from my quick read last night, the Pandora had four small boats stowed in the waist area). Interestingly, the Gardiner book devotes quite a bit of space to discussing the Unicorn and the Lyme although no models of those ships were shown in the book (the book uses NMM models as depictions). They were apparently somewhat transformative for sailing ship design, and I think Gardiner calls them the first true frigates or something to that effect.
  18. In case anyone else is looking to join the Unicorn club, there is a recent listing on eBay that is currently at a low amount: http://www.ebay.com/itm/290937919810?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  19. Interestingly, I've found that with Tung Oil, I've been able to use PVA but not CA.
  20. Very nice work Andy! I have the Pegasus on my shelf, and your build is an inspiration. So is it weird of me to look at the third picture in Andy's post referenced above and say that the Pegasus has a lovely backside?
  21. So the bench is now $159. I got the 20% off coupon so the net price is $127. Shipping is still only $6.99. I think I'll pull the trigger as that is a real hard price to beat.
  22. Hi Ian, thanks for this info. I ended up having to use the zoom function on the NMM site as well as the zoom function on my browser, and can more clearly see what you were saying. Having started looking into this, I think I now more fully understand what you are thinking of doing. You're a brave soul, not sure that I would undertake that major surgery - but, ultimately you need to end up with a build that you are fully satisfied with so I think modifying the build is the way to go. I'm going to order the Pandora book and see if there are any good ideas or suggestions in it. I'll be sure to pass along any tidbits I come across. This has been a very interesting and fun discussion with you and the other Unicorn builders, thanks to everyone for participating!
  23. So I took another look at the Lyme plans in the Chapelle book. I'm not very good at reading plans, and it's hard for me to tell how wide the waist should be. Interestingly, if I'm reading it right, the main deck on the Lyme is really long, like almost up to half the ship in length. The quarterdeck and forecastle deck are fairly short. Looking at the plans, there is a line that says "break" near stair cases on either end, which is why I think the main deck on the Lyme is very long.
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