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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. Just taking a short break to get rid of the barnacles then i'm going to start on the Occre Endeavour (at least that's the plan )
  2. Noo Frank keep posting i want to see how it turns out when finished
  3. Nice scratch work anchor stock Mr Pucko
  4. The extra detailing on the metal work makes it really stand out now
  5. Superb !! you'll need sunglasses to work on her soon with all that gilding
  6. Bad instructions making what should be a really enjoyable build into a repetitive pain having to do the same things over and over. If the deck is raised evenly the mast hole should stay in line. but to aid it, if possible fit the supports to the deck first then place the mast through all the decks then fit the supports and the deck to the inner hull.
  7. Nice little decoration. The only upside of having to wait is it keeps your interest up wanting to build
  8. Oh no now you have the top deck on in the photo the difference in the deck heights stand out. Again the fault of the manual as you fitted the middle deck supports where the manual photos suggested. It wouldn't be to bad if they gave the height of the support pillars, at least then you would have had something to work with. There would have to be a big improvement in the manual for this kit to catch on. Which is a shame because it is one of the best looking cross sections I have seen.
  9. I did my cannon sides red ochre and everything else black
  10. If it's any help you can buy the plans here just scroll down to the 20th one
  11. Looks like the parts slot together nicely, always a good sign of a decent kit. I would go with black for the anchor too
  12. Yes that's what i was saying the only rigging required is to open the lids and keep them open. Gravity takes care of the closing, regulating the speed they shut is done by the same rigging as used to open them. Just checked my parts. 1 of the 4 precast stanchions in mine has snapped in half too As for the handrails the wood is there but you have to make them yourself, the pictures show the sizes of each square hole and the distance between them. If they were precut then there would be no need for the measurements. Another part not made clear in the manual
  13. The wood parts seem to be of good quality, i like the way they are pre marked with their respective numbers
  14. Hi Frank I'll tag along with this build if you don't mind mate Missing bits of wood are not as critical as missing bits of plastic as they are far easier to replicate. Best wishes with this build
  15. Hi Bryan You've made a lot of progress in the last few days. I see you say that you followed the way my gun lids where rigged on my section deck. The way i rigged them was different from the recommended way the instructions dictated, the instructions said to use 4 blocks but they did not supply enough in my kit so i rigged it with three my own way. Never the less they worked so all was good. Yours look good to me. The only thing i don't like about the way both this kit and the section deck kit say to rig the lid closing rigging is it just doesn't look right to me. Looking at the lids on HMS Victory it looks like the close under their own weight and don't need separate rigging just a couple of eyelets to fasten them shut once closed as in this photo
  16. Looks great Mike . Don't forget all the ideas we throw in are just the way we did it, and we all did it differently. Yours is different again but the result is just as good as the rest of us. Don't fall into the trap of over thinking things or you won't progress. Do as you have already done, do what works for you and makes you happy. Your build is looking great
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