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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Augie, I'm anxiously awaiting the start of construction here. I'm sure you will do this kit proud with your attention to detail.
  2. Larry, I think you have a good command of the planking. I'll echo Rich with the monotony comment, but reaching the end of it is always a a big deal and I'm sure you will do it justice.
  3. Frank, your weathering is inspirational. The anchors are masterpieces in themselves and the rope you have used as replacement looks perfect. Finishing this is right around the corner for you now, huh?
  4. Mobbsie, your Aggie is moving right along. She is going to be a powerful warship and it's a good thing in case 'you know who' comes along with intents of war.
  5. Finishing up the planking is always such a nice milestone! It really gives you a chance to admire something that actually resembles a ship. Your planking looks great. I look forward to seeing more progress on your Niagara.
  6. Your Niagara is looking great so far. Everything is very clean looking. For the yellow I used Tamiya's spray dunkelgelb (dark yellow), but that was just my own personal taste in the color. I would also agree with Rich about the cap rail. Sweet looking build so far. BTW, do you have a log for your Cutty Sark? Inquiring minds want to see....
  7. Gentlemen, thanks for the comments and advice! I think it's settled now... I will start over on my rigging from the beginning. Now I just need to figure out how far into the past I want to go. I'll get restarted on this as soon as I finish up some full size wood projects. Thanks again to all who are looking in.
  8. Hey Rich, I would totally recommend using square stock if you can. The octagonal shape is much easier to achieve starting with a square profile. Your guns look great BTW!
  9. Thanks for the good word Rich. I like your analogy to drunk driving. I learned a long time ago that a mind that isn't calm isn't well suited to modeling.
  10. Popeye and Larry, thanks again for looking in. I've always been an advocate of the advice "Don't model while you're angry".
  11. The plans definitely aren't wrong. I was just rushing ahead with some of the rigging. For one, the lanyards for my deadeyes have always been a tad too long and it was a thorn in my side that I worked around. I have also grown dissatisfied with some of the other standing rigging (the list is long) and some of my yard placements. Once it gets cooler out and I am forced inside I will have some update on what I plan to do. Right now the weather is too nice to not be fishing or working on my lathe.
  12. Popeye, I've been looking on for bit and it has been a while since posting on this blog. While I was waiting on my hand to heal up I got to looking at the rigging plans and had noticed that I had much of it completely wrong. I tried to convince myself to just go forth with the rest of the rigging as it was but no matter much I tried to get back into the rigging I was struggling with it being wrong. We all know how once you spot a problem it keeps nagging at you and won't go away until you've scratched that itch. I had to put my Niagara up for a while so I didn't let my anger get the best of things. I am giving serious contemplation to redoing everything from the mast on up. I may make that a side project when I start on the Constitution this fall. I have been watching your great builds on MSW though and your work has been fantastic.
  13. Hey Larry, your progress is looking great! I think you have removed enough of the black paint for a good recoating. Your Niagara is looking fantastic so far.
  14. That is very nice work so far. I don't think the single malt will be necessary, though a bit is always welcome. Your planking looks great and your work space is entirely too neat.
  15. Hey Augie.... Your completed Syren looks great! Congratulations on finishing such a fine masterpiece. I look forward to watching you build Confederacy.
  16. Sjors, your progress is looking great. About the chess-board though... you may want to make it a little smaller so it's in scale. LOL.
  17. I'm really enjoying seeing all the pictures on this build log. This is a subject I haven't seen modeled before and I will follow along with great interest. You've made a great start so far!
  18. It's always good to switch to something else when one build is causing you some grief, so I'm glad you have the SI to work on again. Those gunports look like they are going to keep you busy for several days.
  19. The additional pictures are great. As for whether or not to paint, it's all your personal preference. Many folks on here prefer to leave the planking while others are sticklers for historical accuracy and paint or put on the copper. If it were up to me, I'd let the planking be as it looks like you have done an excellent job.
  20. That is some great looking work Mobbsie. It looks as if you are moving right along as quickly as ever.
  21. Just catching up after a long weekend away. Your rigging is looking fantastic Augie! You are getting close to finishing up now.
  22. Those are great looking shrouds Sjors! It's not going to be too long before you will get some ratline work. I'm looking forward to seeing some more pictures.
  23. That's a great serving machine. Your mizzen shrouds look awesome. I will definitely be revisiting my serving machine and applying your ideas as mine is a PITA to use.
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