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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Larry, that first band of planking looks great. You've done a marvelous job and I think minimum sanding should cure any woes with your planking. From the looks of it, filler shouldn't be necessary; it's all very nice and tight.
  2. The build log of the Constitution by Cookster is where I discovered the dying process. It's on page 6 or 7.
  3. Bob, the inner planking looks great. Are you planning on painting ahead with any of the exterior planking? I could see that it may work with painting the yellow planking since most of the planks don't need to be tapered at all. I have been watching another thread on here where someone is dying their planking material with the hopes (I'm thinking) that cutting and sanding won't eliminate the color from the wood.
  4. Augie, from your framing we can tell that you enjoy. I'm very anxious to see some planking going on this monster. BTW, your Broncos look very tough this year. I'm hoping my Bengals can keep a winning streak for a bit.
  5. Your Rattlesnake looks great JP. From your earlier pictures I would never have guessed that you gunports were different sizes. For what it's worth, I think you are doing a phenomenal job with your build and providing a mini-tutorial for others.
  6. Kimberly, I was hoping to see some success with this kit. I had started a build log for this exact same kit and my experience ended in frustration. I do agree that some of the parts are over simplified and some of the parts are ridiculously tiny. Your Constitution is built really well and I think you may find some satisfaction in trying the larger version of her. It is a skill level 3 but given the scale it's really easier to work on. Just my two cents....
  7. Hey Sjors, very nice job on your masts. This does mean however, that ratlines are getting closer.
  8. Wes, the grating looks great. I think I will be getting some additional lumber when I get started on my Connie too. The pear and boxwood that you have looks fantastic.
  9. Sjors, the tops look very nice with the black color applied. This is a fantastic build.
  10. You are doing very nice work with this kit. Are you planning on putting in any of the framing below the decking?
  11. Hey Augie, you're progress is looking great. The sills look to be the perfect height. Great work so far.
  12. When I put these together I only soldered the posts on the end. I made a little contraption similar to a press that allowed me to create every stanchion exactly in the same shape. On the end stanchions (fore, aft and at the stairs) I soldered a pin to the bottom of them that I was able to place in a locator holes on the rails. The stanchions in between were just glued down without the locating pins. I did the wooden rails that ride the stancions by measuring on the wooden rails where the stancions would come in contact with them and cutting a slot on the bottom of them to seat them down on the ends of the stanchions and used black paper to simulate the little holders (I know... it's cheating, but it looks ok). I'm sure there are other ways that are better or more correct, but I figured I'd share what worked for me.
  13. Awesome pictures Rich. You are moving right along with these fiddly bits. Everything looks very clean.
  14. Steven, what I did with the nibbing strake was to take a 5/16 x 1/16 strip and soak it in water for a good half an hour. Once the wood was wet I was able to bend it to shape and let it dry. I then glued it in place on the deck up against the waterway. As I added the rest of the deck's planking I'd cut the prominent notches into the nibbing strake with each plank as it was added. I did this by shaping the end of the plank where it butts into the nibbing strake and then tracing the end of the plank onto the nibbing strake and then cut out the traced portion. The deck plank then fit like a puzzle piece into the nibbing strake. There are many more methods out there though and I'm sure my method is not the best by far. You can paint the bulwarks and ceiling planking prior to deck planking or you can do so afterwards. There is not one way that is always the 'go-to' method unfortunately and I think all of our members have had success with one way or the other. I am favoring painting the bulwarks prior to deck planking though.
  15. Sjors, I see some ratlines in your near future for this ship as well. Great work with your progress.
  16. Steven, let me add my welcome to the Niagara club. I'm sorry to hear about your father's passing. It looks as though some of the more difficult work has already been completed and it looks great. When I did my decking, I placed a full plank around the inside of the bulwarks and as I added the planks that butted up to the 'nibbing strake' I cut the notches into the full plank. I hope you enjoy finishing this ship model and think that it may spur you on to start your own ship model from the keel up one of these days.
  17. Bob, your planking is outstanding. Are you planning on putting any paint or stain on the Essex?
  18. Rich, that's terrific news. I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures of your Niagara.
  19. AJ, It's good to see some pictures. I think you are off to a good start as well. We're looking forward to seeing more progress on your Niagara.
  20. Ed, I really enjoy watching your builds in progress. Your explanation on all of your steps brings to life the processes you use and makes it feel as though your skill in this hobby is within reach of everyone. I didn't have an appreciation of how large this model is going to be until that very last photo.
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