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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Congrats on finishing another fantastic build Popeye. You've only got five things going on right now so I'm sure we'll see another build log popping up soon? In all seriousness, your attention to detail and step-by-step build log have me wanting to add Billing's America to my kit inventory.
  2. The lanyards look great Sjors!!! You are moving right along with your rigging.
  3. Sjors, I'm doing well. I've been slowly rigging my Niagara, but don't have any interesting pictures for you. There's been some time off due to a finger injury but it is all healed up. I'm hoping for an update soon.
  4. It looks like your shrouds and deadeyes are coming right along. That little jig looks to be very handy and something I will consider using for future projects.
  5. Hi Andy. It looks like I have the honor of being the first in your build log to welcome you to this awesome website! You will definitely find a wealth of information from the very experienced builders here. The moderators and administrators are great and work hard to keep things running smoothly. You will get a lot of encouragement (in the form of "oohs" and "aahs") and most criticism is written/typed with a very soft touch. It looks like you have things well in hand with your Badger so far. With all that being said, I also get to be the first to tell you that your planking looks great.
  6. Sjors, your progress looks good. The rigging is great because it lets you know you are close to being finished. Keep in mind though, we want more pictures too.
  7. Anja, we all go at our own pace anyways so no apologies necessary. I will have to wait for another person to get it right because for the life of me, I can't spot the difference.
  8. Anja, I had to go back a ways to have a look at your Half Moon. To my inexperienced eyes, the difference is the trim on the blue planking? I can practically taste the popcorn!!!
  9. Surprise surprise.... you've got yet another build going.... LOL and just kidding around. It looks like you have a great start and I doubt you will have any trouble with making up for missing parts. BTW, you need to update your signature. It's the only way we have track of all your builds.
  10. That's incredible work Popeye! You're pretty much staring at the finish line at this point. I wonder what you are going put in this particular building slip after America sets sail.
  11. Guys--Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm about ready to dust her off and get back at it. My finger is better for the most part and rigging should commence soon.
  12. Thanks for looking in Radman. I'm about ready to return to rigging her. I smashed one of my fingers in a window at home and haven't been in the rigging mood since. My finger is almost finished healing. Hopefully I'll have some updates soon
  13. Hey Radman. I've been looking in on your log and have silently been following along. Your question has prompted me to speak up though. I like the hand-painted look more. If you are going without any weathering and putting copper on then I think you have nailed it with the hand-painting. I would think that at the time when copper bottoms were popular you would have a variation in the tones of the copper due to the grain of one copper plate not being perfectly parallel with the grain of another copper plate. I would also think that not all of the copper would be of the perfect same quality from one copper plate to the next. That's my two cents for 'ya.
  14. Very nice and clean rigging Augie. Don't forget to take a break from perfection every once in a while or you head may get too big.
  15. I just have to echo everyone else's comments. Great work on your 'sleeve-catchers'! She's going to be tall too!
  16. Hi Popeye! It's been a few weeks since I last checked in on some of your builds. America looks as if she is almost ready to sail. You are doing a terrific job on the sails and rigging.
  17. Well, now that I'm all caught up Augie, your Syren is looking awesome! I'd like to see an overall picture when you next post some progress pic's.
  18. JP, after a long and arduous journey, aka planking, you have a great looking hull on your hands. The time and care you put into doing that has really paid off well.
  19. Hey Larry, I look forward to seeing some of these ceiling planks on your Niagara. I have to agree with you on the value of saving scraps from older projects as well. There have been many times where I was able to prevent trips to the store by rummaging through old model boxes.
  20. Rich, the painted hull looks fantastic! It all looks very clean to me. I'm looking forward to seeing you get some 'stuff' on her!
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