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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. I'm wondering if that door was added later on when Victory wasn't being used as a warship for easy entry? I read the Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMS_Victory and noticed this particular paragraph: In 1889, Victory was fitted up as a Naval School of Telegraphy. She soon became a proper Signal School, and signal ratings from ships paying off were sent to Victory, instead of the barracks, for a two-month training course. The School remained on Victory until 1904, when training was transferred temporarily to HMS Hercules, and in 1906 the whole School was moved to a permanent establishment at the Chatham Royal Naval Barracks.[38] I would guess that they added the door at that time as Victory wasn't expecting to be put to sea ever again. Those are just my thoughts on the matter.
  2. Welcome to our Niagara club! I'm sure we're all looking forward to seeing some pictures of your work in progress.
  3. Wes, you're Connie is looking sweet! Are you considering putting in any planking for the sub deck for looking down through the gratings?
  4. I like the Hobbylite stuff myself better than the Elmer's. With the Elmer's I feel that it leaves a residue on the surfaces around what you're filling unless you are perfect at only applying it to just the hole. Just my two cents...
  5. Popeye, the stain looks great on her! I like the color and didn't realize that Billings had a line of stains also.
  6. Augie, great work! It looks like you are competing with Mobbsie for fastest builder on this forum. I'm anxious to use that exact same method of treenailing. It appears that it's a lot of tedious work but in the end I like the look of it.
  7. Hey Sjors, I'm glad to see an update on this ship. She is looking beautiful. I'm guessing that you are taking a well deserved break from rigging your Mirage?
  8. Mobbsie, those are great little ship's boats. As always, your work is very clean and looks great.
  9. I will have to echo Rich's statements for my post. Your gunports look especially clean and neat.
  10. Hey Popeye, I'm glad to see you making some headway with your Syborn. I like the colors you have on her so far. This is going to be real sharp when you are finished with it.
  11. Sjors, I'm glad you are finished with ratlines for a while. Your Mirage looks very sharp and is really coming alive.
  12. Daniel, that is a sharp little kit. Too bad they don't make these in a way to put in one of your bottles.
  13. Larry, I am also guilty of regularly visiting the makeup aisle in CVS and Walgreens to get those wonderful sanding sticks. It's amazing that you can score those for so cheap but in a hobby store you usually find something of lesser quality for double or triple the price.
  14. JP, glad to see you have a plan of attack on this, and it's always goood to see that some parts in our kits actually do match up with our plans.
  15. Hey Larry, band A's planking looks fantastic! I'm glad to see some pictures of progress and to hear you are feeling better.
  16. Wes, I am definitely going to be using this dye method when I get started on my Connie. I like the idea of being able to install pre-colored planks. Your samples look really sharp with the poly on them.
  17. Sjors, I don't think any company has made a perfect set of plans just yet. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. I'm sure you'll get through it just fine though. Your work is always top-notch!
  18. That is very nice rigging Sjors! Once you get these all finished then the rest starts going pretty quickly. Are you going to be installing the yards next?
  19. Bob, your progress with this difficult build is nothing short of inspiring and your work is just as clean as always.
  20. For a finish are you just planning on using a poly? Like you, I enjoy a good bit of woodworking and will most likely apply what I'm learning about these dyes on some of my projects.
  21. Hey JP, I think Erik has a good idea with sanding down part 16, but you could also consider gluing a strip of wood to the bottom of 15 as well. I don't think either way would hurt in the long run. ... I think.... lol
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