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Everything posted by patrickmil

  1. Hey Aldo, thanks for stopping by. My finger is fully healed and has been of great use in my makeshift woodshop (read as garage). When the weather turns cold in Ohio I will be heading in and restarting on the rigging.
  2. Popeye, I was referring to your President and Half Moon. I've been wanting to see how you're going to integrate wood decks on your plastic President.
  3. I've been meaning to comment your excellent build. Your planking is outstanding. I'm waiting to see your stern though. I've got this kit on a shelf and am still not sure which direction I'd like to take it.
  4. Hey Popeye, the rigging on your Gothenborg is coming right along. I'm rather anxious to see some more progress on your other builds though.
  5. If you're taking votes into consideration, I say you should go for the challenge. Your other work has been outstanding and I think you have the skills to make this into another work of art.
  6. Frank, you did an excellent job on your crew painting! Those figures are outstanding. They will be be a great addition to your very well done Supply.
  7. Alright Sjors! I enjoy seeing the pictures of your progress. The ratlines look great.
  8. It's pretty exciting to see this really picking up now. I will be using some of these tips in the future. They look to be more user-friendly than what I've done in the past.
  9. Well let's get going on your Mirage then so we can see the start of this warship. I'm hoping I'm in time for a front row seat.
  10. Thank goodness nothing happened in that convenience store. Glad your back and can get on with your build. I hope you get your offer soon.
  11. It's great to see some progress Augie. Those filler pieces are a great addition to add some strength. The more I see these Confederacy build logs, the more I want to build a Confederacy too.
  12. This looks like it's going to be a rather large model when completed. I'm looking forward to seeing this take shape.
  13. Those are some sweet looking upgrades. I will be ordering the cannons down the road as well. I always like the MS kits but their Britannia metal disappoints me.
  14. I'm looking forward to seeing this kit for sale. Watching your progress will be like watching the summer blockbuster movie teaser. I've admired your other work on this forum and I am sure you will make this into a masterpiece.
  15. David, allow me to echo John's sentiments on envy. I remembered talking with you a while back about doing that and I was really interested in seeing the event, but life with the family seems to get in the way so often. I'm glad to hear you had a good time though. We're all looking forward to some more progress on your Niagara.
  16. Hey John, Thanks for stopping in and having a look. I've been admiring some of the pictures you have taken on your museum trips. So let me thank you as well for the pictures. Unfortunately, this build is going to be moving in a backwards direction as I think that I will be rerigging almost all of it. I've made up my mind that I'd like to include the shot racks and I'd like to rework almost every rope on her. Talk about your major learning experiences... screwing up on rigging really makes you remember mistakes! As soon as the weather turns too cold to be out in the garage playing with my big wood-working tools I'll be inside starting the tear down.
  17. Popeye, I am planning on incorporating the rabbet idea on my Constitution if I ever get started on her.
  18. Mobbsie, it's looking great so far. I like the innovation with your serving machine and block sander. What grit are you using in your block sander? Are those flaps made from cardboard or more sandpaper? This is something I would like to construct eventually.
  19. Your progress is looking great as always. I can't wait to see more. I hope you had better luck fishing than I have had lately.
  20. Your ratlines look great Sjors! I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better as well.
  21. Happy Birthday Popeye!!! Here's hoping your birthday brings more model kits (as if you don't already have enough going right now).
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