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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Interesting pic Tom and interesting to see everyones interpretation of her- Back in the shipyard and i have started giving the engine room skylight a redux- the film footage of her being wrecked in the ice is posted on u-tube which gives a good view of it- though not 100% correct i hope to have a passing resemblance to the original. On Friday last went down to the steam gala at Keighley (can't believe a year has passed since last one)! Safe to say i was lucky as it threw a snowstorm for 24 hours beforehand (the Settle to Carlisle railway line stayed open thankfully and first pic shows the view eastwards just after Kirkby Stephen station. Next Jubilee class loco "Bahamas" and finally two Black 5s waiting the off at Haworth Station Take care everyone. Keith
  2. the two "rooms" under the foredeck will need walls adding to represent the aforementioned lamp room and wc - also note the anchor windlass- the half moon shape which fooled me into leaving it on my build is actually the two bladed prop (note the prop shaft continues through the prop into a bearing on the sternpost). Also the funnel has flattened sides and is oval shaped in cross section (i didn't fancy working the flange into the funnel top on an oval shaped tube- chicken i know)! Keith
  3. Yes Tom i am talking about the cabins under the foredeck- the plans i have are for Polaris from the national maritime museum- unfortunitly they show her as Polaris without any modifications- on the plans the fore/ anchor deck is actually cut away a bit like Cutty Sarks, but the give dimensions for funnels/ masts deckhouses etc- when squaring off your stern aperture for the propellor the top angles upwards to the sternpost by about 30 degrees. Keith
  4. Here you go Greg- Grab hopper barge Clearway built by Alexander Hall and sons in 1927 if memory serves me right- model depicts her from around 1985 til mothballed 1991 (decay set in real fast and she went for scrap in 1998- though the steam engine and boiler went into a scandanavian lake steamer that was being restored). first two pics show her in the early 70's and 1990 next pics are of the model hope you like them Greg Keith
  5. pull up a chair Keith- though might be interruptions depending on which of my many comely wenches seduces me when i walk into my workroom😜- will check the link out when i have some quiet time. Keith
  6. Well pointed out regards vasa- i cut my teeth on billings kits and like them because they are easier to convert/ adapt/ upgrade as the frames tend to be accurate for a start! I also find some of the older billings kits had advantages over the new ones as everything is laser ply for a lot of the parts that used to use "proper" wood though they did like their plastic for deck/ mast fittings. Keith
  7. No log for the dredger as most was built between 1998- 2002, then we moved house and never really had a dedicated modelling area till 2011 so really need to kickstart her (just really the crane to finish)- i will dig out some pics and post them on here if you want- also the pic on my profile is of the dredger and was called clearway (where my nickname comes from i use on here). It can be scary when you put something to one side and realise how many years have passed !!!!! Keith
  8. i am just going to glaze the portholes as they look at the moment montaigne- though maybe enlarge them a little. Thanks for the offer of pics though i do have the book south with endurance which has a lot of frank hurleys pics and of course there are some good ones on getty images you can look at. Keith
  9. Ty Montaigne, i just wish i had noticed that "gap" under the fore/anchor deck before i installed everything- if anyone is adding nit the deck planking will run uninterrupted into it and there is an anchor windlass under there. According to the plans i have the starboard cabin is the lamp room and the port side is the WC. Keith
  10. Still can't believe how wrong Billings got the original kit- here's me complaining about occres offerings! Keith
  11. Thanks for looking in and the likes as always- work has continued with the steering with rearmost support bracket version 3- forgot to get a pic while still in the brass- all the brackets have been painted matt black and the wheel has had a coat of dark earth (Humbrol matt29). Also obtained some capped rail stanchions, single ball stanchions and some replacement engine room ventilators from Cornwall Model Boats. On the anchor deck, after looking at a good pic in Getty images have altered the catheads- weirdly enough on my plans for Polaris from the N.M.M. they are shown as Occre have them but on pic they are like mine !?!? Note the different position of the ventilators compared to Occres position- also have found a good view of the engine room skylight so that will be rebuilt. Take care all Keith
  12. Hi JB- yep i start with the starboard pair first then the port, i add the deadeyes using my home made spacer on those four lines then repeat for the rest- if there is a single one left you can tie off and cut off the unwanted "tail" Keith
  13. Welcome to the Endurance club- yes the Occre kit is open to a lot of improvements- i found the book South With Endurance and pics on getty images good- also Hakezou has some links to some good pics on his log 😉 Keith
  14. yeah i tried to cut the cats hair once, but lets just say he let me know that it would hurt me more than him!!!- I actually have the keel/ frames and two well decks in position on the Billings kit, but will try to focus on getting the Heller kit advanced though Terror aand Endurance beckon too along with a neglected Victory and a scratch built model of a 1920s steam grab dredger that worked Whitehaven harbour till the early 1990s (still with her coal fired steam engine)! Keith
  15. looks like your canine is as if not more furry than our feline- all that hair sure causes some fun huh! Regards Pourquoi Pas - the billing boats kit i obtained has the same set up for the engine room deckhouse/ galley and bridge as the constructo kit (not sure whether to modify the billings to make it more like the Heller kit- though the difference may prove interesting). Your model is progressing nicely and is looking great with the varnished hull/ painted upperworks. Keith
  16. Thanks for looking in- had a redo of the rearmost steering bracket and made the two others out of pieces of scrap etch- hopefully when painted black will look o.k. Take care all Keith
  17. welcome back to the lil terror club- it can be scary how fast the months can go by! Keith
  18. Thanks for the likes and looking in, decided to have a try at the steering gear- as with Terror the 10 spoke ships wheel is from Caldercraft. So far have made the foremost bracket and rearmost though might btry to refine the latter a little more- two more brackets are needed- one just behind the foremost and one astride the rudder head. I think the wooden barrel for the steering chains needs thinned too. Take care all Keith
  19. Hi Jeff- yes the catheads are the baulks of timber for the anchor- the knee is the support timber underneath the cathead. Keith
  20. Thanks for looking in- been a while since i updated Endurance- the skylights on the foredeck are finished and have sourced an alternate windlass from Billings obtained via cornwall models boats (not 100% accurate but looks better than supplied version). Also added a coat of white to the funnel and engine room vents though still need to add some eyes for the funnel stays, and not sure i am going to use the supplied vents (likely use either billings or caldercraft to replace them). The hatch atop of the ritz was also altered to lower its profile a little. Thanks for the likes and comments so far- always appreciated. Keith
  21. Nice photo with lots of good detail - interestingly looks as you say like there are no shutters over the portholes- the deckhouse with the funnel resembles the heller kit though with what looks like the engine room vent going down to the deck on the starboard side. As you say though whatever we end up with it will definitely look like Pourquoi pas- and why not indeed😉 Keith
  22. interesting seeing the constructo deckhouses compared to the one in my heller log- i have just managed to get hold of the billings kit (still sealed in original packaging never opened) and that is following the constructo kits arrangement- methinks Pourquois had a few alterations in her life. Have seen pics of the forward wheelhouse without the bridge wings and pics with shelters on the ends of the bridge wings. Keith
  23. They are mounted on same as the main and stern deadeyes- check my log for endurance and there is a pic of my interpretation along with a pic link from hakezou- i had to use a slightly wider chainwhale to compensate for the thickness of the kits deadeyes. Keith
  24. Hi JBthe rigging guide will set you up for about any British warship you need to rig and was invaluable to sort out how the rig might actually have looked- Mattewhs book is great especially the deckhouse and other fittings- the T.V. series did give more inspiration though some details (davits, boat skids etc) were wrong. Keith
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