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Everything posted by clearway

  1. Thanks Keith- i can say the same about your build too😉. If anyone wants to know any boo boos i have made and if i was starting this kit again i would address the incorrect frame shaping either side of the two fullest frames amidships (should be a lot fuller) and really should be two backstays to the fore and main topmasts - still sticking with no royal fore/ backstays as none in any sketches / lithographs i have seen and sticking with no topgallant mast on the mizzen. I would also use smaller diameter deadeyes, and 3mm planking for the decking, and smaller sized gratings. Keith
  2. Thanks for the likes, comments and looking in as always - not been in my modelling den of sin much recently - been in reading mode🤓. Back with Terror and i have fitted the eyes to the shroud protector and hull for the ladder- i am going to have the ladder dismounted here and stash it on the "bumper" somewhere or maybe in the storage along with the spars etc in the waist? Also mention is often made of the altered ships boats found in the "boat place" so will use these for the boats in the davits at the mainmast -these are more of the resin quaycraft models. For the Iron davits in the waist i am going to have them removed but glue some eyes in place to imitate the mountings (Crozier had these removed before crossing the Atlantic). Take care all Keith
  3. Just more readily available -where i live the closest model shops sell mainly Humbrol products- the main thing is the primer really helps the acrylic adhere evenly- really any acrylic based primer would do. Keith
  4. i berated my intelligence and ancestry shall we say! The ratlines look great Keith especially considering the scale you are working to. Keith
  5. It's o.k. Keith -i was drilling some 0.6mm holes in some wood the other day and didn't realise i was holding it with my fingertip exactly where the drill bit "popped" through- not once but twice !!!!!! As you said time to put it down and retire for the night- mind you , you can number the parts in red afterwards 🤪 Keith
  6. Nice to see the deck fittings/ houses taking shape Greg- i always find priming with either white or blaacck acrylic primer from a rattle can (humbrol for me) really helps with the top finish. Keith
  7. nice to see you back with her Keith- sounds like trying to get nice weather in cumbria! Keith
  8. Thanks Keith, there was also a company run by Nick Tonkin called "The Model Dockyard" who carried a good range and didn't mind you calling with advise on fittings etc- sadly retired last year though. I have to admit though it was a nightmare having to rig up through the davit - if you varnish something after drilling make sure you clear the holes out properly!!!! the wood effect was created by first priming with humbrol matt black from a rattle can, then a coat of matt desert yellow then then a wash of humbrol matt 26 khaki followed by wash for light wood from AK interactive followed by a couple of coats of matt acrylic varnish. Keith
  9. After nearly two solid weeks of heavy rain here in Cumbria and Dumfries and Galloway over the border i think i might fit davits and boats to the house! In the shipyard we have the first boat on the davits though not belayed yet- this is one of the Quaycraft resin models i ordered back in 2020 from Cornwall Model Boats. The falls rig through a hooked double block on the boat and two sheaves near the end of the davit arm. Take care all and thanks for the likes and looking in. Keith
  10. and here is me thinking we Keiths had problems with deciphering our Terrors!- looks great so far Craig. Keith
  11. Hi Daniel- certainly straightened them out, though where as Keith S was thinking CA i would use watered down P.V.A as "superglue" tends to make the thread brittle- but certainly looks a lot better. Keith
  12. I spent a bit of time contemplating this and thought "if i had put the rearmost skid beams further towards the mizzen mast there are two convenient rope ladders to access the bridge" on the other hand when doing the companionway ladder could they have used it to access the bridge when not needing it? This lil old ship just keeps you guessing !!!!😁 Keith
  13. Pull up a chair Keith- though the build might follow the speed of continental drift but the bar is well stocked😁. The paint is Humbrol or tamiya spray acrylic depending on colour - the wash on the decks was applied using a paintbrush. Regards the chainplates they are similar on Endurance nearly down to the waterline. Keith
  14. i agree- by time i noticed i was too far in and didn't want to rip everything apart again! Keith
  15. Hi Ian- it is to 1/100 scale- my version is an old Heller kit but Zvezda rereleased it a couple of years ago under their banner. Keith
  16. Thanks for the likes and looking in- not much been happening in the shipyard last few weeks with covid, Xmas, visitors and doing some railway rolling stock for a rest from ships! I have built/ dry fitted some more of the deck fittings and made a new anchor deck (original was lost in mayhem while having new carpets fitted to ground floor of the house! Take care all Keith
  17. Thanks for the likes, comments and looking in- always appreciated. Just a quicky from the shipyard today with the davits either side of the mainmast in place (still need rigged though). Take care everyone Keith
  18. Cheers Keith- there would be a lot of wood for the stove in them ladders😉 Keith
  19. Coming along Richard- you could use a varnish with a duller finish for below waterline - has anyone actually ascertained what colour they were painted below waterline as they weren't coppered and i would assume black pitch would have been used? Keith
  20. Happy New Year to all- flippin heck, third new year building Terror! Back in shipyard and made a start on the companionway ladders before i install the davit arms midships- going off plans looks they they were hinged on eyebolts situated on the shroud protector with the pins facing aft and hooks and eyes fitted at the bottom to hold them in place. Looks like they were removable, but where they were stored when not in use lord alone knows (storage racks midships/ on the shroud protector)? I didn't use the kit supplied ladder but scratched one using walnut with the pins made from brass rod flattened where it is glued to steps. The hooks and eyes are made with annealed iron wire. Take care all and hope you all had a good time. Keith
  21. Hope you had a good Xmas Hake- sanding the dowelling down is fun! I was going to start adding the boats/ other four davits at the mainmast but realised i need to start on the entry way steps (just when you thought the end was in sight something else jumps at you)! Keith
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