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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. Sjors, she is absolutely lovely! You say there are mistakes, but trust me only your eyes see them. Be very proud and display her with honor!
  2. Yes, Wolf, the limber boards present their own challenges. The lateral bending takes a bit of skill and patience, the best advice I can give you is to select a strip with long lengthwise grain , that will help prevent the breakage that is common otherwise. Good luck, I have no doubt you will master the the lateral bend just fine. If you are in need of some of the mahogany, I have some left, you can pm and I will happily mail you some if it will help.
  3. Okay, I have a questions...regarding the bits....are they all supposed to just be above the rail? if so, why not just add the top piece like in Sam's pics and pin & glue them to the rails instead of making the whole piece that is attached to the deck? (Sam I get why you can't change it now). What I mean is why do instructions have us make these bits in the first place, or is this top-rail manner only good for certain ships?
  4. Sjors, she looks great!!! OMG you are going to finish before I do....hmmm. Seriously, she does look good, and as you know served as a great learning ship, just think, each ship after will look even better because of all you've learned. Very nice of mobbsie to make you a serving machine....they do make life much easier.
  5. Beautiful as usual Sam! Hmmm, up through the cap rails...gotta file that tidbit away and remember it myself
  6. Piet, thank you soooo much for that tutorial...such an easy fix really but brilliant way to re-purpose some old cutting board. I can't wait to try that now!!!
  7. Hahaha, likely excuse my friend...I call chicken!!! Too bad though you didn't take pics, I know there is a topic in here somewhere about accidents and how to recover from them. I found solace there, after cutting my own ports in the wrong place , it was great to see even some of the absolute best modelers make some drastic mistakes. The best part of that topic...it shows how the best modelers recover from those mistakes.
  8. So, you send me a pm regarding your mishap....no excuse....I want to see pics of the tragedy as well, I think it will show others that even the most competent of builders have accidents...and this can be the perfect opportunity to show others how you overcome such adversity! This forum is not just for the beautiful and exquisite, but for the real world builders as well
  9. Oh, I wake up and Sjors has given me pictures, it is a good day. And I know exactly what you mean about running rigging and crappy instructions....glad I got the Petersson books, they help a lot!
  10. Now.....I want some normalcy here....time for some new pics. You have been making great progress with this one Sjors, and I know you were gone for a bit of vacation, but it is time to get back into the shipyard and share with the rest of us.
  11. Sorry Steve, much beyond my expertise to even offer a thought on a fix, but I am glad you found someone who knows. Looking forward to more pics of progress, I don't have to fully understand the concept of an RV boat to appreciate the beauty of an exceptional build.
  12. I like that idea...I ask Jimbob to perhaps contact Mark (mtaylor) with this information....I don't have enough computer knowledge to be able to make heads or tales of it, but Mark would understand. Now, back to building....I want to see some new updates!!!!!
  13. Piet, could you attach a picture of your fix...I would be very interested in seeing what you have described before I need to taper the masts for my current build
  14. Newbie builder. you will have to sort your planks and measure them, then band them together and mark them yourself. I went out and bought a pair of digital calipers that will read in both inches and metric, that will help a bunch. you can buy them at an autoparts store for about $25
  15. Let me know when you figure out a mount, I haven't thought that far ahead yet either
  16. Charley, I am going to copy your spacer idea, that looks like a good way to do it. Thanks too for the heads up on on not giving the frames more of an inboard exposure, you are right, much harder to sand the inside than the out!
  17. Looks good Randy, try taking off the spray nozzle on the can and rinsing it with hot water. I did not have the trouble when I sprayed mine, it came out in a nice fine mist
  18. Awesome job! your wood bending skills are the best! Glad to see you back as well, I wondered what had happened to you.
  19. beeswax helps with the fuzzies. Check out realworkingsailor (andy) pegasus log, he uses some sort of paint (clear) stuff and his rope is beautiful and fuzz free. I don't like the wax, at least not on bad rope, it takes too much to make the fuzz go away and then it looks crappy. Since chuck's is better rope, maybe only a light coat of the wax will do the job. You can find it in the sewing section
  20. I tried to use a drill to taper some dowels...what a fiasco I don't know what wrong, but they all broke off at the base and went flying across the room. Glad to see you have figured it out!
  21. Steve, look for a notepad in the drawers at the hotel room...rooms in the states usually have one.
  22. Very sorry for your loss Sherry, my prayers are with you and yours.
  23. Randy if you want to get some of the wrinkles out of the sails and make them look like they are catching wind, you can try a trick I used. I ironed all my sails first, but after getting the sails and yards attached along with the bottom corner lines, I then sprayed the sails with spray starch and used a blow dryer on the low setting, to pit wind in the sails and "set" them in that shape. Seemed to work pretty good.
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