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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. The color looks great, a nice rich tone that really draws the eye. I do like your doors as well, and I love the ingenious use of a couple of glasses to get the bend you needed, I will have to remember that trick for the future!
  2. Those chainplates look great Sam, so when can I place an order for mine ? Did the blaacken it solution discolor the deadeyes, or the heat from the soldering iron? Is there any way to avoid that happening?
  3. Time to find a new area of the house for your shipyard??? Remove the fumes from where she is and hopefully that will solve the issue.
  4. Sjors, i believe you....but I thing the aggie has a syren call of its own, and I can hear echoes of it all the way over here hehehe
  5. Beautiful finish to her, she will look stunning as per your usual work I am sure!
  6. Dave, Wow, now that sounds like a great tip and an easy fix to the slackening problem! Thanks for dropping in and sharing, I think you just made my life a bit easier
  7. Randy, remember how fiddly and delicate and dang tiny the upper shrouds and ratlines are???? Wait till you get to the running rigging OMG it is a pain in the a** messing with such tiny pieces and trying to tie tiny string around it lol. Now to keep this ship related, the very first 2 lines are on...only 300 or more to go
  8. Sam, when the time comes for the Syren chain plates, expect several PMs regarding exactly how you do this. I figure by then you will have mastered this art completely! Excellent work!!
  9. Robert, thank you very much for the pictures, those helped considerably. I will make my rope coils using that method! Grant, Steve, Augie...I have a sewing needle made up like that already, I used to use it to place tiny bits of CA where I needed it. But since I won't go anywhere near CA anymore because of the extreme reactions I have to it, now I have another use for the tool! Mark, thanks for the detail about the running end BEHIND, that makes perfect sense to me now. I went to bed last night trying to figure out how to keep everything taut, the way they showed it and still creating those coils. Now I see...tie it off and secure, and do coils seperate.
  10. Great progress Sjors, I really love the colors on this ship, they really pop!
  11. I have been studying these plans since 4pm this afternoon, it is now 10pm and I think I finally figured out what string goes where, and where it belays or ties off too...sometimes I really am an idiot...it was right there on the plans, but my mind refused to see it! Now one (hopefully the final) question, is there a special knot I should use to tie off around the belaying pins?
  12. So, during a bit of spare time today I managed to find time to visit the ship yard. I attached my yards w/sails to the masts. I know, I know, I am supposed to do the running rigging for each yard first, but in all honesty I was having trouble conceptualizing all the lines on the plans , and they just made my head spin. So, I decided I would go ahead and hang the sails so then I can do the rigging and actually see what I am supposed to be doing. I understand this will make some of it more difficult, as everything is so fragile, but it is the only way my mind seems to comprehend what those lines on the paper mean. So now, time to run some string!!
  13. Well, so sorry to hear it is back to work. seems like you just got a break, and little building time this around. Perhaps more time in the shipyard when this tour is over.
  14. Progress is progress Randy regardless of how small, it will all in the end, add to the whole and become a finished product. I think the rat lines look fine, I am betting there will be even more practice to come on the next build lol.
  15. Sjors!!! She looks great!! Sorry, I have been here, just quiet for the most part this week. Not much time for anything but to look in and peek at what's been going on.
  16. The bleed through is common, any of the above fixes should do the job for you. Build is progressing well David, the fun stuff is coming!
  17. Sherry, your hard work and dedication has paid off. The planking is stellar, and I love the trap door w/ mirror, quite an ingenious idea. The blue is interesting, I am looking forward to seeing how the wood looks when all stained and finished
  18. You can try writing to AL and explaining what was missing, or if you bought from a store have them request the missing parts. I am sorry, I no longer have the remains of any of those things, I used mine to build jigs from.
  19. Sherry that pictures does make it easier to visualize, thank you for your help. Popeye, I am going to look at your log regardign this, I think your way sounds ingeneous, and it would allow me to not have to worry about the thing falling apart after a couple years if the thread stretches.
  20. Thanks Sherry, that was exactly what I was looking for. So the way I take it, you make your string of beads, wrap them securely around the masts, then use the thread ends to tie off around the yards. If I have that wrong someone please correct me.
  21. Sam personally I like the black, but I am always drawn to contrast that way. Your build, so do it the way YOU are happy with.
  22. I need some help. the instructions tell me to attach my yards to the mast using threaded parrel beads. The pictures don't show or illustrate exactly how this is done. I mean I understand how to string beads, but how do I use this string of beads to secure the yard w/sails to the masts? I would appreciate any drawings or diagrams someone would have to illustrate how this is done please.
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