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Everything posted by Dimitris71

  1. Hello , the booms and gafs are in position, except little jib boom . Some progress photos. I used a big pillow to focus on the ship. Good night.
  2. Wow!! Amazing detail and work!!! What can i say ? Well done Joachim. I'll follow your build log with interest. Take care . Dimitris
  3. Hola amigo mio. Even though i have little experience with wooden ships and any kind of modelling art, i'm amazed by the difficult work you've done . The result is unique !! I'll follow your build trying to learn some things from you. Well done karl. Saludos Dimitris
  4. Hello again d'brat . First i shaped it to a vee then planked and finally glued it. I assume you refer to the bow and stern decks.i hope my answer helps , if i did not understand your question please do not hesitate to ask me again. I will send you 2 or three pics of the process . Dimitris
  5. Hello d'brat , i think you 'll enjoy the construction of the particular kit. I'm finishing the same kit so if you need anything ,let me know. Take care . Dimitris
  6. Good morning. A Very beautiful ship you got there.And a very nice work i must say.
  7. Hi Boyd, yes this is my first build and as i mentioned above, luckilly, there is a model site in Greece, from which i had a lot of support and tips on how to do it.Thank you very much for your encouragement words.Nice to meet you.Dimitris
  8. Good morning Elia, beautiful ship and amazing job you got there. The result is rewarding.Dimitris
  9. Hello everyone! Just finish the foremast boom and do a little job at foremast gaff. Have a great night. Some photos. Dimitris.
  10. Hello Timmo , just saw your build log. Amazing detailed and clean work.A very good job. Dimitris
  11. Hello Tim,excellent work on your build so far.The thinks that scares me most about my future build are the bearding and the rabbet line.
  12. Hi Bob, just saw your build and i think you've done marvellous , detailed and clean work. Congrats .Dimitris
  13. Thanks a lot Russ!!! It was a tough job, cause i had to paint it five times to get this result, since i had no previous experience in painting. Luckilly, there is a model site in Greece, from which i had a lot of support and tips on how to do it. Take care, Dimitris
  14. Dear Bob, thanks so much for your kind comments! it's been a pleasure working on this beautiful ship. As far as the paint job is concerned, it was a bit of a struggle, since i had to paint it five times to be satisfied by the result!! The booms ang gaffs are up next as you mentioned. Take care, Dimitris
  15. Dear Dave, thank you for your nice words! I have decided to build Amerigo Vespucci by Mantua, next. Thanks again and take care, Dimitris
  16. Good morning Lawrence, it's always nice to have people helping you with a build . I'm not planning to add sails , because i feel that adding sails hides a big part of the details of the construction. As far as the next project is concerned i'm considering a ship which i really like , Amerigo Vespucci by Mantua. Thanks for your encouragement and kind reply. Take care, Dimitris
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