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About VonHoldinghausen

  • Birthday 03/11/1967

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    Linköping Sweden

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  1. Thank you very much! It looks very nice I must say. Take care!
  2. Hallå från Linköping Hello there! Beginning to look awsome! She is truly comming to life. What ochre/yellow did you use? Kind regards,, Pontus
  3. Thank you! That might be true. I read somewhere though that it might melt instead the plastic. I guess i will try though. With bodys for bigger RC-cars I happen to know they score the surface and then simply break off the excess plastic, thats why I was curious if that technique could be used fot such hulls also (it is not the same material though). Cheers!
  4. Dear friends! In a distant future, far, far away, I hope to have much more time for modelbuilding Hence I have now (among other kits) bought Billings "Calypso"-kit. It looks very nice I must say, very much so compared to the Billings-kits I built early 80s. This one has a ABS-hull though. A first one for me. What might be the best way to cut away the excess ABS plastic? Simply scoring with a sharp knife a few tines, and then breaking of the excess plastic, piece by piece? Thats what I do with styrene sheets anyway. Any other tips, hints or tricks? The ABS is rather thick in this case... Kind regards, Pontus
  5. How utterly wonderful! A master piece. How I wish there were many more kits of ships from this era, for a mere mortal like me to build. I love them. Happy New Year!
  6. Hi there, eller Hallå där, som vi säger i Sverige No, I have not started it yet, life came rushing. But I do actually MAYBE soon have time to start it, I really, really hope so. Kind regards och God Jul
  7. How very interesting! Thank you very much! I am surprised though that the russian navy kept the name. Kind regards and Merry Christmas
  8. Hi and congratz on a fantastic master build! I have always been a bit curious about the russian ships by the name of "Retvizan", because it was obviously a name carried by at least one Swedish warship: "HMS Rättvisan" in the late 1800s. I think there were more than one "Rättvisan" in the Swedish navy over the years. The name would in english translate into something like "HMS The Justice". Any knowledge on these russian Retvizan-ships? Kind regrds, Pontus
  9. So sorry to hear what happened. You did the best you could do: You continued the model for him amd you. Thats strength. I am highly impressed by your build and your person. Kind regards from Sweden /Pontus
  10. As I remember it, this line of ships where French constructions from the beginning... Russia bought two from France as I remember it, and later a number of russian ships were based on that construction they bought.
  11. That looks like a great base for your next planking. Very nice work! Kind regards
  12. As beeing said here, very common amongst 1/350 and 1/700 modellers. Also among WWI airplane modellers. I think its there where it originated. Has been used for a rather long time now, and I have known about these products for at least 10 years. Never heard ONE single negative thing about them. Very simple to use, If there is a slight slack in your rigging, you simply use heat and it immediately tightens. I would suggest the same product from the company "Uschi Van der Rosten", who has been around for some time now. "Mig" tends to copy (try to) what others have already come up with.......they might ofc still be good. You can easily find builds using this kind of rigging that has been built at leats 10 years ago. Kind regards
  13. Congratualations Mike! One more shipwright to the family. Great :) Nice progress on the ship. As always. KUTGW Kind regards
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