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Everything posted by Littlebob

  1. The anchors are super glued down but they will need something to hold them to the deck to look more realistic.
  2. Time for a small update. I was able to get my first sail done, the Latina sail is on the right and my new sail on the left, I think mine looks a little better. The sail I made has seams about half the size and mine are straight, the corners on mine are as sharp as I could make them, as I didn't like the rounded corners on the Latina sails. I still have to add the bolt ropes, so far not to bad. All comments welcome.
  3. Thanks David, I agree the latina sail cloth does have to much texture. I have some better cloth pulled out of an older Constructo kit, the cloth is much smoother but about the same thickness and appears to be of better quality.
  4. Thanks Russ, I have my sewing machine out as I write this reply so I can get some practice, wish me luck, lol.
  5. Time for an update. I am starting to run out of details to do before I remake the sails, I guess I am just putting off what I know I will have to do. The first pic shows the installed anchors. The second pic shows the installed cap on the transom and the PE Virginia letters. The last pic shows the stock latina Throats on the right and my scratch built ones on the left with the added steel bands. All comments welcome.
  6. She looks very nice Pete, should look even better with the sails.
  7. Wow that is amazing work, the stern painting is great, and your copper work looks perfect.
  8. Thanks guys, over all things appear to be going pretty smooth here is hoping it stays that way.
  9. Oh this does look interesting Peter, I will be following along as well.
  10. Thanks guys, I just took a really close look at the sails and they are a huge let down, I will install them anyway and see how they look, if they really bother me I will have to make my own.
  11. Great work on your build, I am always amazed at the skill scratch builders have.
  12. Update time. A couple of distance pics to show the standing rigging and the masts installed. The last pic shows the cannon installed, rigged and the mast hoops made from black wire, I had no choice but to make the mast hoops myself Latina only gave me half of what I needed. Next I have to add the anchors and a few other small detail before I add the sails. All comments welcome
  13. Great work on those scratch built parts Pete, this is such a pretty little boat.
  14. Good work for your first wood ship model, I am shore you will have fun with the rigging. Nice neat work area you have, mine looks like a bomb hit it.
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