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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Nice job on the gallery Mark. Also nice looking rose in the heart carving.
  2. WOW ! Nice ! great job Keith - love the contrasting wood colors.
  3. Thanks, Joe. Next time I visit Lowes/Home Depot I will ask someone. I'm in one of them all the time looking for something or other but never saw hobby size lumber.
  4. Joe, Lawrence thanks for stopping by and your comments. And all those who clicked the LIKE button. Joe: I have both Lowes and Home Depot close by but have never seen hobby sized lumber of any type in either of them. No ACE Hardwares near me. Another small update: Wheel house and ship's wheel completed.
  5. Nice job Mark, but tell me how did you ever make those tiny window casings? Did you use the laser cutter? Those look perfect.
  6. Russ I have a Michaels about 5 miles from here but it's supply of basswood and balsa wood is pathetic - the nearest Hobby Lobby is an hour away (one-way). I contacted ModelExpo and they sent me an email saying the replacement parts had been shipped May 9th with a USPS tracking number. Problem is the stuff never left the USPS "Origin" center in Florida - filed a complaint today with USPS - they promised a reply in 2 business days. So we'll see. Normally the USPS is pretty good about delivering stuff from ModelExpo and others, but this time something messed up.
  7. Well, the resupply of my wood seems to be either lost in Opa Locka Fla in the USPS Origin Facility or it's coming up the Atlantic Coast in a dugout canoe . It was scheduled for delivery yesterday but seems to be lost. USPS is investigating so we will wait. Guess I can work on other deck structures or masts in the meantime
  8. Thanks Mark, Carl, Russ. Mark: No it's not operational. The entire thing is several Britannia white metal castings I had to glue together - devil of a time doing that too - none of my clamps would work, kept twisting the pieces - finally resorted to weighting it down with a small (1"x1") steel machinist block - Used CA Medium 5-15 sec glue - glue worked fine once I could hold the parts together till the glue set. Carl: I'm using the new <to me> Vallejo brand paints (oily steel for the winch) - sprayed it with a thin coat of Testors primer then applied the Vallejo paint with a brush - then hit it with Testors Dullcote to dull it down - I think I need another coat of Dullcote - still looks "shiny". I like the Vallejo paints but still getting used to using them - really miss the old Floquil paints tho, they were great.
  9. Small Update: Finished the assembly and painting of the winder, painted the two barrels. Working on the wheel house while I wait for the re-supply from Model Expo which was supposed to arrive today according to the US Postal Service tracking site but the site hasn't been updated since May 10th when it shown the package had arrived at the "Origin Facility" in Opa Locka Fla at 1:53 AM. So I wait and fiddle. Pictures follow:
  10. Thanks, Gerty. No it is not completed yet - ran out of wood and had to re-order some from Model Expo - the resupply is in transit according to USPS. "m working on other parts till I get resupplied.
  11. Druxey, what a magnificent work of art. Thanks for sharing this wonderful project with us. Very inspiring.
  12. John, good to see you also. And yes these plans are a little disorienting at times - usually takes me about 5-10 minutes to find what I need on them I think they were having a "who can stack the most objects on the head of a pin" contest when they drew up these plans. Popeye, comment wasn't meant to be apologetic - more a flippant lame joke. But thanks for the comments and links Carl, thanks
  13. Pulling up a chair to follow your build - looking good so far, Keith
  14. Likewise from me also Jesse - sad to hear the news about Keith - I really enjoyed his banter and his modeling - All the best for you - hope the doctors can keep your disease at bay at least - both of you are in my thoughts and prayers also.
  15. And me the fourth ! Looks interesting Per. Always liked the runabout type boats.
  16. Question for Gerty, and anyone else building this kit, on the cap rails. The parts list says they are 1/16 x 3/32 lumber (WP3619-24 - 29 pieces) which is also used for the deck planks but the kit provides only 29 pieces and the deck planking used up all of the parts. What did you use for the cap rails ? The kit supplied part or did you substitute something else.
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