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Everything posted by Jack12477

  1. Thanks Russ, that's almost an exact match to mine. Any additional info is always welcome, Russ.
  2. Jesse, what's the max distance between spindle tips? Mine came bolted to a 2"x6" board for stability.
  3. Small Update: Completed the deck structures, put one coat of WOP on the deck; decided to paint the wale the same as the roofs rather than try a pin stripe along the side. Didn't care for the way the stain came out on the hatch covers so I took left over strips of walnut veneer from one of my Artesania Latina kits and used it to plank over the hatch cover material. Then gave it a single coat of WOP. The paint is Vallejo brand Hull Red for the bottom, and Flat Green for the roofs and wale. The white is Americana Deco-Art brand Titainium White and the deck is Min-Wax Ipswich Pine with one coat of Satin WOP. Man close-ups really reveal more then the naked eye - I see a couple of structures need a little touch up on the green paint. The quality control inspectors must have been out late that night If you're wondering what the green band holding the boat to the cradle is, it is the cloth velcro strapping material you use to tie up garden plants without damaging the plant. Works well for holding the boat down. Copied the stand from one of the other Willie Bennett build logs. Works nice - also allows me to clamp the cradle/stand to the work-top. Photos follow:
  4. Russ, Gerty, thanks for the compliments Gerty - I've been making heavy use of your excellent build log and photos in trying to figure out how these deck structures look and what size they are. Have had a couple of oops re-dos already. Had to substitute 1/32 baltic birch plywood to make a couple of the roofs - their stock was not wide enough. The engine cover has been giving me the most trouble - can't see all sides of it - your photos have helped me a lot tho.
  5. Sal, regarding the Armenia, contact the Hudson River Maritime Museum. It's in Kingston NY not far from me (maybe 15 miles). They should be able to help with any research. They have a pretty good collection.
  6. Congratulations Sal. I'm glad I got to see it in person and also meet you. Great job !
  7. Michael, congratulations on the Art Show and best wishes for a great success.
  8. Mark, George, Popeye, thanks for the words of encouragement. And also all those who clicked on the LIKE button. Popeye, yes the wood shortage is fixable - I still have short piece of the deck material I can use to cover the open area where it will not be covered by a deck structure. I'm also using the several excellent Skipjack builds here on MSW as a reference, especially GERTY's. I have photos I took several years back when I took my granddaughter to the Chesapeak Mariners Musuem in St Michaels MD. Of course, I have to figure out which "CLOUD" they got stashed in. I figured since most people are doing the model in the color scheme shown on the box art, I would depart from that and do my own thing as they say.
  9. Lawrence, Popeye thanks for the compliments and for looking in and all the LIKEs . A small update. I'm still foraging around in these blueprints for the dimensions and layouts of the various deck structures/components. But progress is slowly being made. I gave the entire hull a coating of Gesso to seal the wood followed before painting the upper parts Titanium White and the below waterline area Vallejo brand Hull Red. I still need to tidy up and straighten the waterline a bit. I stained the deck itself MinWax Colonial Pine. The roof of the deck structure is painted Vallejo brand Green <there's too many red Skipjackets so I decided to at some diversity>. The open area in the deck will be planked over once I figure out where all the deck structures are placed and what can be hidden by structures. The kit kinda shorted me on planking stock. Photos follow
  10. Glenn, I have to agree with Druxey. "Handyman" grossly understates your amazing talents and gifts. Your build is a fascinating journey. Thanks for sharing it.
  11. Thanks Carl. Maybe it is good they are not visible - they are installed on a bit of an angle - not aligned perpendicular to both sides. At least we can "bury" our mistakes
  12. Not brass George, they are magnetic - I stick them to my magnet strips on my work table - the threaded rod is 3/32 inch in diameter - it strips where it passes thru the clamp itself - the threads are very very fine
  13. These are the ones, George. http://www.leevalley.com/US/wood/page.aspx?p=68938&cat=1,43838,47843
  14. Those are from Lee Valley - do a search under "Machinist clamps" - they come 2 to a package - just received another shipment this week of 5 packages (10 total) - they work great but be careful not to put too much stress on the screw threads when clamps, I've stripped two of them already. There metal but the threads are real tiny.
  15. Small Update: I finished planking the deck and as I had feared ran out of wood strips just before completing the entire deck. I anticipated this so I left the section over the center board unplanked - for now - since I may be able to hide most or all of it with the deck houses, cabins, structures, etc. The second photo below shows the amount of scrap planks I have left to work with. For now I will move on to the deck structures and come back to the deck planking after I have a better feel for how and where the structures will sit. Of course I had to hunt thru the clutter on the plan sheet with a hi-liter pen to find the layout and dimensions for these various structures. Photos below:
  16. Likewise - I have this model kit in my to-do pile. Pulling up a hay bale to watch also.
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