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Louie da fly

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Everything posted by Louie da fly

  1. Having worked with sheet metal myself, I'm very interested in how you went about shaping the hull. Fascinating project!
  2. Welcome to MSW, Halvor! I see you've already begun your build log. That's great. Make sure you put up plenty of photos, and don't be shy about asking questions. The members here are very friendly and helpful. Steven
  3. Onto fiddly bits. Here's the picture in Björn Landström's book The Ship I originally worked from, showing the dragon figurehead and the decorative crown and flagpole on the bowsprit: I'd already carved the dragon-head - now I've painted it: Very happy with the crazed look on his face. And here is the flagpole/crown assembly I made a mistake - the fore topmast had snapped off just above the top and I was intending to just glue it back onto the remaining stub. Then I forgot what I was doing and removed the stub. So I had to reconfigure the topmast by adding an extra bit of wood to replace the stub . . . and carve it to shape. I wouldn't have needed to do any of this, if I'd remembered what I'd originally planned Steven
  4. Well, I discovered that all those nice shields I made a while ago were ok for the rails on the tops but turned out to be too small to go on the railings at the sides of the weather deck. So I had to make a whole lot of new ones. So there's been a bit of a delay while I did that. But now I can happily say they are all finally in place. And another small milestone. When I first made the model I'd put the lower starboard shrouds in place on the main and fore masts and added the ratlines (glued, not tied, in place) - but I hadn't done anything about the deadeyes - I'd put that off till later. Well, now it's "later", and I find I really made problems for myself doing it that way. I've made deadeyes for the main shrouds and put in the lanyards. I've intentionally left the lanyards with some "play" in them so I can adjust them when I attach the deadeyes to the channels. It's all a bit (as we say in Oz) "a*se about face" and once these two sets of shrouds are done I'll be doing the rest more conventionally. As I mentioned earlier in this log I'm not bothering with making chains - when I first built the model I didn't even know chains existed, and at 1:200 scale I feel it's all a bit too much. So thick thread will take their place. I've hit the wall a bit with knowing what to do next, so I made up a spreadsheet with a list of all the things I can think of that still need to be done, then shuffled the items around - obviously, the masts have to go in before the stays can be added etc etc - until they made a fairly logical sequence. I think this will help. Steven
  5. Well, it's a very attractive piece of wood - and much more likely to be a good representation of what was actually used than a smooth, machined piece bought from Bunnings(!) Steven
  6. I was working on the Great Harry when I was about 17. I'd just changed the scalpel blade so it was nice and sharp. I knocked something off the table (I'm still just as clumsy today) and it bumped on my foot. I looked down on the floor, thinking 'I don't remember having a bottle of dark purple ink on the table". Oh. The blade had landed point first on the big vein that feeds blood to the toes. So sharp I didn't feel any pain. A very nice clean cut. Just needed a band-aid. Steven
  7. I don't have much to add to Cathead's excellent set of links, except to refer you to representations of Viking sails on contemporary runestones at https://modelshipworld.com/topic/24335-gokstad-viking-ship-by-bigpetr-148-card-cca-900-ad/page/4/?tab=comments#comment-776214 Your pavesades (shield rails) and oarports look very good. Steven
  8. I have my Dad's old bench vise and his "rivet snap" (https://www.model-engineer.co.uk/forums/postings.asp?th=119369) which I used to get a lot of use from when I was into re-enactment and made mediaeval helmets, but is really no use for ship modelling. Steven
  9. Haven't seen any progress for awhile. Is anything happening on the carrack front? Steven
  10. That's looking very good, EOL. The fake ribs work well. I hope you still have some skin on the end of your fingertips after that sanding. The extra image is at the end because you didn't allocate it a place in the text, and you have to delete the original picture from the group of uploads at the bottom and the one at the end of the text before it will go away. Don't ask me how I know . . . Steven
  11. Precisely. One of the ropes on the vessel below is a halyard. But are the others shrouds or backstays? Or what? (rhetorical question - no answer needed). I must say, Wefalck's contributions have got me thinking about issues relating to lateens that I hadn't considered before. Steven
  12. Like the water cooler in a modern office. Or in the Australian army in WWI they had water wagons made by J. Furphy and Sons. Though it's now dying out, the Australian word "furphy" is even today used for an unfounded rumour. Steven
  13. Wefalck, merci beaucoup pour la référence. Though I'll accept that a lateen on a small vessel can be used without shrouds, larger ships seem to need them. I don't know that there's really a difference between a lateen with or without shrouds. Steven
  14. Welcome to MSW, Jayhawk. When you get started on your model, you should also start a build log. The instructions are here: It's a great way to get help and advice as you go through your build. The people here are very friendly and helpful. Good to have you aboard. Steven
  15. Welcome, Derek! Do you have a build under way at the moment, or one planned? Steven
  16. https://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com/2021/03/2700-year-old-phoenician-shipwreck-to.html?fbclid=IwAR0pj1HhLWQTGfJ3X8QnFmbG0teMmdZzVmnyt1p7wdUJChEW3ti7yIka9_8
  17. It depends. Historically they are shown doing so. But on small Mediterranean lateeners they usually don't bother. Note that there is a loop of rope that acts as a parrel which keeps the yard close to the mast. But it may be different with a bigger sail. I did quite a bit of research on this with my dromon build - see https://modelshipworld.com/topic/10344-10th-11th-century-byzantine-dromon-by-louie-da-fly-150-finished/page/41/ In Mediterranean lateeners the yard is and was usually outside the shrouds, but in galleons and other ships of the 16th to early 18th century, the lateen mizzen had the yard inside the shrouds; most probably because the mizzen wasn't the main source of propulsion. Steven
  18. He may well do - that is his right and privilege. But in common with many movies and TV series based on history, there are glaring inaccuracies in relation to such things as armour, equipment and costume, (though the swords look ok). Justin Pollard, the historical adviser on the series is a "popular historian, historical consultant and screenwriter" according to Wikipedia. But if he gave advice on such things I doubt it was followed. Unfortunately movies very rarely worry about such things - the director and costume department get a bigger say than the historical consultant. I've also spent years researching Viking history and artefacts, and though I may not be an academic, I do know when something is as wrong as this. Strangely enough, the shields are among the "least worst" of the gear on the show. Steven
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