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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. Hello all! I’m having great difficulty with this concept and am wondering if anyone has a solution? Essentially, I need to strop double blocks for rigging the cannons on my ship, but I am rather confused as to what happens to the end of the line. It seems like it is supposed to feed back into itself? That seems a little beyond my capabilities, but I’m very curious to see what others do. It’s something that’s so common, I don’t see the actual process mentioned very often, nor do I see it detailed much at larger scales. At a smaller scale, it’s a lot easier to give the illusion of a properly stropped block, but at this scale I am at a loss for how to proceed. Any help is greatly appreciated! Here are a couple pictures to illustrate what I mean. (I know, the last picture is definitely not the best way of doing it, right?)





  2. So, it's been way too long since I've updated this log, sorry about that. :P I've been busy with a number of other activities, but have managed to make a little progress on the boat. My line of approach has basically been to fabricate as many parts as I can without staining or painting them, in preparation for a mystical day in the future where I stain and paint everything. So, I made the anchors! That was pretty simple. Then I tackled the main mast. I've never had to carve a mast before, so it was interesting. I think I was a lot better at it by the end than at the beginning, and I suppose that's how it's supposed to work... :D Still, I cannot swear that the mainmast, or the topmast for that matter, are perfectly round... ;) I have a number of parts to make up before staining and painting day, including the cap rail. I'm probably not going to literally save everything to be stained at one time, but I would like to minimize the amount of time's I do it, since I've found it a rather frustrating process in the past. :default_wallbash: In any case, now I'm preparing to make the spars. Since I'm going to rig the model with sails, I'm going to have to scratch build the spar that holds the bottom of the mainsail. I have a 1/8th scale plan sheet that has it on there, and I both measured it at that size, and also scaled it up with the printer at 400%. I measured the lower spar to be 3/64'' on the plan sheet, but when I scaled it up, the lines got so thick that it looks bigger than 3/16'', which is the drawing at 400%. I've been looking at photos, and just haven't made up my mind as to what size I want to use, so any recommendations? The main spar is 5/16'' in diameter, for reference. It seems to me that the lower spar is smaller in diameter. Anyway, that's the puzzle I'm working on now, but I don't really have any photos to show for that yet, so here's the photos I've got to get you up to date!




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