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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. Beautifull boat you are building! I am happy to follow your progress.
  2. And another part. Sorry for not posting anything last months. Covid hit the carecenter where I work very hard and lot of my clients died. from 19 employees, 11 were sick at home so I had to work very much and long hours. I never got sick and today I got my first vaccin so hope for the best.
  3. And another part which was very rewarding to build. All made of reclaimed wood
  4. I definitely understand why you build this ship. What a beauty! And your modelingskills are also very good.
  5. I made a resistance soldering unit for further solderingwork on the wilhelmina. Tried to post a topic elswhere on the forum but I got a message that I had an IP-block
  6. Hello Marcus, It's a book about the Herringlugger Balder from Vlaardingen https://images.app.goo.gl/G1LVcUZj2AW4qmye6 I use it a lot when building parts and also the photo's from my visit to this museumship
  7. Amazing build and an amazing model. I loved to follow your posts
  8. Congratulations on thuis very good result. The woodwork is outstanding!
  9. Hello Vlad, Beautyfull model and your skills are very good👍 Maybe you can look in my buildinglog of the Herringlugger KW140 Wilhelmina VII. I've build a lifeboat too and placed some pictures of how I did it. I have some simpele plans too if you like. Kind regards, Kees
  10. Testing to upload a picture with my smartphone
  11. Thanks everybody for the kind reply and the likes. Jan: The navigation lights came out of my modellingstash and they are made from plastic. First I painted them black and after that a thin layer with coppercolour and some washes and drybrushing with oilpaint. I was very happy with result but maybe I add some more copperoxidation for the effect.
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