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kees de mol

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Everything posted by kees de mol

  1. Welcome! Lots of Dutch people here.
  2. So beautifull. Thank you for your instructions for how to make these beautifull blocks!
  3. This primer is a spraycan paint from Motip. After this I will use an airbrush with compressor and Vallejo-paint to finish in the right colours. Cheers
  4. New progress on the herringlugger. I started to finish the outside of the hull with thousands of 'fake' rivets. For these rivets I used some glue or paint for clothes. I also gave the hull a solid layer of primer to seal the rivets. In reality the ship would have more, much more rivets but I keep it this way. Iam afraid more rivets will do more harm then good. Now I have the idea off a riveted hull without turning it into a hedgehog or something. I am also starting to sealize that this ship take much more time than the smaller models that i built earlier. It seems like evything takes twice as much time. But fortunately the challenge remains great and I enjoy the building of the model and the thinking out of everything. Thanks for watching, commenting and hitting the like button. (Updates will take a bit longer in the future. After working as a volunteer now since January with elderly people with dementia, I got a job as a student nurse at a big healthcare organization. This after more than six years of being not capable of working because of my bad health. The training will start in february. I thank my wife, my friends and God (and offcoarse the elderly people for stealing my heart😍) for these opportunities after so long being sick)
  5. Some of the pictures (or maybe all of them) I could look at for hours. Watching the beautifull sculpted golden ornaments I'm wondering... Are your hands also made of gold? Your feathered assistant? Is that a good combo? I once had a feathered assistant and she "LOVED" paper and card! She was like a paper shredder and ripped every piece of paper in tiny pieces. Hope your assistent is better trained☺️ kind regards, Kees
  6. Thank you for this beautifull building report of this very interesting merchant ship. Also interesting are your unconventional ways of building. I like it how you find a way to build everything. Keep up the good work! Kind regard, Kees
  7. Very impressive. The wooden joints are very beautifull to watch!
  8. Very Impressive work! I love to see how you work with the wood and tools and I thank you for the very instructive pictures. Kind regards, Kees ps. Dirk, any Dutch roots? Your name is very common in Holland
  9. I made the blocks on the bow for lowering the mast while the crew shoots the gilnets. I bought a metal-black set to blacken the brass. I really like the finish And some openings for lines And the crew in a coat of primer
  10. outstanding result. I especially like the way the sloop is placed next to the ship.
  11. In between as distraction I have made two figures for the herringlugger. As an example I used a photo from a book about sailing luggers. The figures come from a Tamiya-kit of truckers that I have re-build. The clothing is made with Milliput Putty fine. The male with the southwester will be sitting on a barrel.
  12. Hello Nils. Lots of activity going on onboard this beautifull ship. I keep smiling watching the picture where you sit at the table with the sewingmachine. Beautifull picture of how dedicated you are to modelmaking. I bought a sewingmachine too so I hope to post a picture later this year making sails. I keep following your work. Kind regards. Kees
  13. Hello Jan, It's the http://www.flex-i-file.com/touch-n-flow-system.php I use.
  14. Thanks. Something went wrong when I placed the pictures and then the dutch text showed up.
  15. Weer heel wat werk verzet aan de logger. De goot voor afvoer van buiswater is helemaal klaar en hierna ben ik alle staanders gaan inmeten en maken voor tegen de verschansing. Deze blijven nog losneembaar zodat ik ze straks los van de romp kan spuiten . Hierna ben ik begonnen aan de lastige klus van het potdeksel, maar dat ging gelukkig wel heel goed. Translation kindly provided by Cog Quite a lot of work done. The scuppers are finished, and after that I started measuring the braces for the bulwarks. These will remain removable for the time being, so I can spray them seperately from, the hull. After that I started on the "potdeksel" (don't know what it means in Dutch, let alone in English ... it is some kind of lid ...) which went well. Ook een nieuwe lijmmethode gebruikt waar ik erg tevreden mee ben
  16. Very interesting build of this beautifull (Dutch) transportation device. Last winter I have seen some ice yachts her in holland. Pretty impressive.
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