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Everything posted by tasmanian

  1. I have a Dremel for almost 40 years and it still work perfectly.
  2. frankr I just look at the plan for # 16 and 22 and you are right it s confusing .I have to look on the Howard Chapelle book to know more .
  3. they s exactly how I make my turnbuckle.it s works well
  4. Happy birthday

  5. don t worry you are not the only French here . born in Saint Malo !
  6. Impressive work Amalio , congratulations
  7. my girl could be tought sometime but for birthday or christmas i can do almost what i want : last birthday november proxxon milling machine mf70 and 1 month after christmas proxxon disk sander 125 e so maybe wait for your birthday and you will be able to get what you want ?
  8. i guess if you invest 1000 dollars that s gonna be for a period of 3 years anyway the time to built your model but the problem is what does SHE think about that ?
  9. i have an article about the building of the pen duick from a french magazine but i am not home right now . maybe i can help you after labor day ?
  10. definitely start with a small model like willie bennet for example . if you start with use constitution you may never finish her !
  11. the furled sails must be 30/100 of the regular size .i read that 40 years ago so i could be wrong !
  12. i just watch your video Nenad and yes you did a great job !
  13. the cargo load looks like a load from El Chapo ?
  14. i can beat you ScottRC i can get the bottle of Jim Beam in 6 hours !
  15. what about the band saw from micro mark it is 50 dollars cheaper .does someone have it and is it the same quality ?
  16. everything is matter of time ! don t give up you will success
  17. i have the same workbench and i am happy with it. also the price was great
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