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Ryland Craze

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Posts posted by Ryland Craze

  1. 30 minutes ago, The Gimps Chimp said:

    I've finally finished the first planking.  It's taken a while but I stuck with it.  It has been a challenge and I'm not overly happy with the result as it's now going to need some sanding work to get it into good shape.  I've found the 2mm thick planks a bit cumbersome to work with but the advantage is that they will take plenty of sanding.  One things for sure, she ain't pretty (not yet at least).  I'm a bit embarrassed to post photos before I start the sanding but here goes...



    Do not be embarrassed to post you work here.  We are here to help and support you in your build.  Planking a hull can be very difficult and rewarding at the same time.  We have excellent articles on planking located under the More tab at the top of this page.  These articles will give you the knowledge to achieve excellent planked hulls.


    I feel that with a lot of sanding and some wood filler, you will have an excellent base for the second planking.  Your Beagle will turn out to be a fine looking model.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Dougal Mack said:

    Sorry, but my photos would be better if there was a space between each - can anybody help me with a tip on how to do this?

    Good start on your longboat and a very detailed build log.  When you are inserting pictures in your build log, you can place your cursor at the bottom right corner of the picture and hit the enter key twice.  This will leave a blank space between the picture and you will be ready to post text or another picture where the flashing text cursor line is located.  The good thing is you can place pictures wherever the flashing text cursor line is in your text.  Experiment with this as you can always correct your document before you hit "Submit Reply".

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