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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. I like the slim lines of this vessel very much! Nice looking kit You are almost wonder if a kit doesn't get to easy with all the little helpful extra's like the precut rabbet etc. But I like the innovative way Chris Watton is designing his new kits.
  2. Nice job on the little "extra's" that you put in the build!
  3. Really nice ship and review! 👍
  4. You are going pretty fast! And did a great job on the planking
  5. Looks great! I'm going to follow to. Your previous work is amazing
  6. The Pegasus is a step up indeed, but doable imo. With the excisting logs here on the forum it's okay I guess. Especially the build log of Blue Ensign is really great. I will also buy the 3D model that's now released...for some improvements on the kit perhaps. But Speedy is a very good choice! It look like a really fun build
  7. Great job! I found it difficult to finish these little ships...without rushing to fast. Have you already decided if you are going for the Speedy?
  8. Thanks everybody for the great compliments! That's motivating for my next build
  9. The base plate that I used https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/Occre-Model-Boat-Fittings-19102-Display-Stand-130x265mm-OC19102.html#SID=1691 And the colums are from Amati indeed https://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/acatalog/5690-35-Turned-Brass-Column-35mm-A5690_35.html#SID=1579 I used two of the same dimensions, but filed one slot deeper so the ships keel lays in the correct angle. At first I thought it was a good idea to use 2 different dimensions, so one shorter colum...but that looked horrible haha, because the thickness is also reduced with the smaller height.
  10. Thanks to everybody who followed this log, and thanks for all the compliments, likes and help!
  11. Okay! So I finished the ship I didn't take pictures of the last stage. Was a bit busy and worked for very short bouts on the ship. The end was a bit difficult because I wanted to finish it, so there were sometimes moments that I rushed through the build. That needs some attention for the next time...that I take the time and patience to give everything the attention that is deserves, but that is just a part of the learning curve. I enjoyed this build a lot and learned a ton in the process. Offcourse skills wise with the wood etc, but even more mentally. For me it was difficult to actually finish something that takes this amount of time, so i'm very proud of that. And i'm very proud of the end result! I builded it right out of the box with almost no modifications. The most important thing for me was to actually finish it! And in the future there will be more modification/adventure
  12. As I see it...the laser engraved deck is a good template for planking the deck myself with prefered wood. But it's al just a matter of taste in my opinion.
  13. Great job on everything...i'm going a bit slow now...so you are almost as far as me
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