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Everything posted by Ronald-V

  1. Finished the windlass and pawl bitts. Just gave everything a second layer of paint. Need some wheatering tho. They are dry fitted at the deck with some pins, but not yet fixt with glue. Don't know exactly, maybe for convenience to work on the deck.
  2. constructing the main hatch...first the frame. In the manual they say that you immediately glue the frame parts on the deck, but I preferred the to construct it of the ship and glueing it later on the deck.
  3. Grating hatches are done 👍 Now it's time for the main hatch. Looking for a way to wheater the hatches...so i'm going to experiment a bit with some paint.
  4. Good tools are half the job, and it works so much more relaxing with them. So it's recommendable!👍
  5. Then I cut the grating with a little saw. And sand them to a exact fit in the framework with a disk sander...
  6. Production process, cut the pieces of timber for the frame of the hatch and glueing them square with a geo triangle
  7. Thanks guys! Next step is the hatches. First hatch installed. Needed to sand the deck a bit because not every deck plank laid flat against the other. I just need to varnish that again and then it is as new
  8. First carronade rigged! Cost 10 years of my life😂, but I somehow managed it☺️ Best I could do for now, I think that every next one gets better, I have learnt a lot.
  9. Thanks Rob and Lazy Saint. The full tackle as in with model in the manual looks appealing to me so I try to go for that. But I find it very weird that they don't include how to lay a knot. Maybe they asume that you just use "house and garden" knots? (it's a dutch expression haha) But what would somebody do without the internet!
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