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Everything posted by Canute

  1. All I could say is amen to Steinbeck's quote. Looking forward to the outcome of this build. It should be a beauty.
  2. Interesting variant of this jet. The Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) really worked in a pit and flew backwards. That has to affect the RIO's visualization of an engagement. I'll tag along on this build.😄
  3. I have an acquaintance who makes resin kits in a range of model railroad scales and he swears by the vacuum step. I have one of his kits and can vouch for his faith in that approach. I'd have more, if he did more work in HO scale.
  4. Love the space. Having owned a horse barn/stable, like Marks asks: HVAC for your man cave? Straw is pervasive and you don't need it spoiling a paint job. I imagine Northwest Texas gets a wee bit toasty come summer, like San Antone does.
  5. Interior color is RLM02 Grau (Gray). My source has a slight green tinge,
  6. One of my uncles had one of these in silver. We called it the Silver Bullet, Lone Ranger fans that we were.😄
  7. Nice, the dandyfunk adds a lot to the vehicle. 👍
  8. Super job painting and detailing the castings. Really brings them to life. The boiler on the skid is spot on. 👍
  9. I think you've captured the look of an M-B seat quite well, Andrew. 👍
  10. One a day in Tampa Bay, as the old saw went. McDill was the training base for the B-26 in WWII. The original wing was on the small side, meaning it had higher landing speeds. And the unlovely nickname of the Flying Prostitute, since it had no visible means of support. I built a model of Flak Bait, in 1/72 scale, eons back. The original is in the Smithsonian, I believe. How are these newer ICM kits? I picked up some Soviet era jets and they were a bear to build. Lack of locating pins, short shot parts.
  11. Those Quinta 3D decals look great. This build is looking sharp already. 😄 And yeah, Mr Hobby RLM02 does look pretty green.
  12. Per, yes they make a lot of "metal" paints, as do several other brands. "Galvanized" color seems to be a very subjective color. Trying to define it will have 6 opinions among 5 modelers. 😉
  13. The RAF Buccs carried Pave Spike pods in Desert Storm. Those pods were the size of an AIM-7 Sparrow air to air missile; a bit smaller than the Martel data link pod. USAF Phantoms carried the Spike pod in the left forward Sparrow well.
  14. The blue stripes are I think a NATO wide code for training weapons - no warheads. Yellow stripe means it's a war shot.
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