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Everything posted by Canute

  1. The molds for the injection molding machine were newer and fit better. Worn molds can lead to excess flash on the parts.
  2. Happy Birthday, Denis. The trailer is looking great. I've taken an interest in intermodal railroading, moving trailers on flatcars. Although mine is more 50s-60s. And its in HO, not your large scale build.
  3. Bob, Floquil did have a marine line of paints, but they disappeared eons ago, maybe when I/R took over. They also had a line of stains, too. Anyway, Testors bought them out and Floquil was dropped. Nobody builds models any more they said. Marketeers at their finest. Happily Badger has a useful acrylic line and Tru-Color (lacquer based) is making some ship colors, the usual WW II stuff. The Japanese have some good acrylic and lacquer paints. It pays to experiment with them. I would say if you're thinning/conditioning a paint, use the thinner from that company. Going off brand could turn your beautifully blended paint mix into a glob of ,,,
  4. Did they have anti-glare panels on the engine sides facing the cockpit? I used to know, but haven't been in those books in eons.
  5. That point on the coast has had few hurricane landfalls, but....
  6. Glen, you've got a future in adding scenery to model railroads. 😄 Those cattle turned out well. You keep parading them around and somebody will think you were from Fort Worth. MMM, nice juicy burger. 😁
  7. All too true Craig. We had barrier islands and pre-Labor Day crowds. Local EM wouldn't move their populations early until after that holiday. Skating on thin ice, they were.
  8. Hopefully, y'all are outside the inundation zones. When I worked emergency management, there were many who encroached these zones and took damage from the storms. They'd come to us looking for the "FEMA insurance" because they didn't want to use their homeowner policies. That might have been true40 years ago, but laws changed and FEMA could only pay your deductible after that. I think that may be the nub of the problems in Hawaii, unfortunately.
  9. Coming along nicely, Glen. Better get ox #1, up on the parapet wall, in the game or the Sicilians/Syracusans are going to be roasting beef for dinner. 😁
  10. The Hunterline Driftwood stain gives your wood pieces a worn, well used look. And the stain is absorbed differently in each strip of wood, to give you a little more dissimilarity.
  11. I'm in, Rob. Back in days of yore, I watched a P-38, painted up as Tommy McGuire's "Pudge" fly into McGuire AFB, NJ. It was mounted flyable on a display in front of the passenger terminal. Every few years they take it down, tow it to a small hangar and clean it up. They also fire it up, but don't taxi or fly it. Unfortunately, no photos. 😞
  12. I remember building the plastic kit back then; forget the brand.
  13. The steering gear looks like the driver needed to be able to walk, chew bubblegum and pat his tummy. And it'd rapidly running out of space for much of anything. Very nicely done, Craig. 👍
  14. Well done, once again Rob. You're a master. Gary, Micro Scale makes a liquid decal film to use on these old decals. Coat and let dry. If they're discolored, I'd get new decals.
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