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Everything posted by Canute

  1. I remember building the plastic kit back then; forget the brand.
  2. The steering gear looks like the driver needed to be able to walk, chew bubblegum and pat his tummy. And it'd rapidly running out of space for much of anything. Very nicely done, Craig. 👍
  3. Well done, once again Rob. You're a master. Gary, Micro Scale makes a liquid decal film to use on these old decals. Coat and let dry. If they're discolored, I'd get new decals.
  4. Beautiful work, Rob. really nice.👍 Take notes as you work. A couple of highly respected modelers I know stress that in their presentations. Keep a pack of stick-it notes handy as you work. Compile them in a full size notebook.
  5. Sorta like my grandparents home in Garfield. I remember the banging steam heat lines, before they updated the systems. Good luck with this extensive remodel.
  6. Very well done, Scott. Had a flashback to a similar windup tank I had as a 7 year old.👍
  7. Do you have the URL for that Canadian company? That's a fine looking cigarette machine. 😃
  8. Similar product to EGs is Canopy Cemrnt. The RC aircraft folks developed it to hold their canopies on. I've used it to bond brass parts to plastic. Holds up to variations in temperature for the dissimilar materials.
  9. I like DAWN dishwashing liquid on plastic and resin parts. After washing you can wear cotton gloves to keep finger oils off. For resins, I wipe them down with alcohol prep pads before priming. And some resins may need a second washing to get the mold release really cleaned off.
  10. Eric, thanks for the generous offer. I travel with several other fellas and I don't know if they can take the extra time.
  11. We 2 hopped to Collinsville. Stopped in Paducah, then railfanned southern Illinois the next day. A few different rilroads, but just one active while we were there. Did see one CN train flying north in Du Quoin.
  12. Great job with the breads and pizza. Bellisimo! And so right about having an outdoor oven. I shared your weather over the weekend. I was on the Illinois side in Collinsville at a Railroad Prtotype Modelers meet. 3D printing is the wave of the future, especially for the one off items. Your breads look excellent. Bet they taste great, too.
  13. Finishing supplies and clamps are your friends on this build, eh? Well, it wouldn't be fun without some challenges.
  14. Well done spraying the yellow. It and the red shades are the worst to spray.
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