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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Okay, I'm just gonna come right out and say it: PATRICK O'BRIAN ROCKS!! Whew! There -- I said it. I feel better now. Been holdin' that in a long time.
  2. Folks, a couple of you have recently changed your usernames, which is fine. BUT, if you do change your username, please help us out by editing the titles of all your build logs (you can do this in the first post of each log), so that your logs will conform to the usual naming conventions that help improve the functionality of our search feature. Thank you!
  3. An outstanding project, BE, and one that's sure to inspire many Fly/Pegasus builders for many years. Congrats!
  4. The Model Shipways armed pinnace is a beginner-level kit that has been successfully built but a goodly number of members here. Naval cutters are also good first projects; check out Caldercraft's Sherbourne or Victory Models' Lady Nelson. Caldercraft also offers a number of other small vessels that might appeal to you. There has been a spate of great new kits put out by a number of less well-known manufacturers (Dusek comes to mind) - take plenty of time to browse through the build logs and check updates in the Traders & Dealers section.
  5. 1:1 is a pretty ambitious project. Have you made any cost estimates for it? Not nay-saying, just genuinely curious.
  6. Mike, would you like to continue this as a build log? It's a great way to get advice and tips during your project. If you like, I can move this topic to the build log forum for you.
  7. I have seen finished examples of their Stuart yacht kit, and they look very nice.
  8. Apartment dwellers on limited budgets who want to avoid sanding are excellent candidates for paper modelling. (And yes, tall ships can be modeled in paper: see here and here.)
  9. Mike, you may have discovered this already on your own, but Arrow is one of those European kits of a subject with a fictitious history. Although Arrow wasn't actually built, there was a design for a gunboat with that hull form and sail plan. There's a drawing of it in Chapelle's History of the American Sailing Navy.
  10. I bought a pair years ago from Micro-Mark, but I don't remember them being $100 -- more like $50. Must be inflation. As stated previously, not only are they useful fro scaling up and down, they are also very handy for taking measurements off plans.
  11. Come to the Dark Side! It's cheap!
  12. Ooh, sounds like you are not the original owner of the kit, which means practically no retailer or manufacturer will feel obliged to supply the missing parts, even if they are still available. You might be able to scratch-build the missing parts without too much difficulty. Good luck!
  13. Nope. Same practicum. The Lumberyard used to sell a wood package for it -- they might still offer it.
  14. Well, to be blunt, IMO they both look ghastly, but the second one is slightly less so, but only because the hull looks better. The all-black rigging is kind of an eyesore. But, in all honesty, without paying someone the moolah that a true scale model would command, the items you linked to are probably typical of what's out there. Still, if it were me, I'd shop around some more -- there are vendors for such models beyond what you'll find at Amazon or eBay. Good luck!
  15. I agree with what's been said so far. If you want something truly epic, start with a kit you really like and then super-detail it. In order to make a buck, kit manufacturers have to cut some corners. You find out where the corners were cut, then un-cut them, so to speak, and voila -- epic model. For some good examples of this, check out any of the builds done by dubz; he's quite good at it.
  16. I am continually amazed at how much fine detail is presented by these newer PE sets. Of course, if the modeler doesn't have some skill and finesse at assembling the PE (unlike you, Greg), all that detail is wasted. Excellent work, my friend!
  17. I note with interest that the V 108 kit hosted here at MSW has been downloaded over 140 times. So where are all the V 108 build logs???
  18. Those are tags intended to help members searching for models built in a specific medium. Listing every medium possible isn't particularly helpful. I edited your title to include the term "multi-media," which is a more accurate description of your model. Good luck with it!
  19. Assuming the kit is offset-printed, the printers probably used a rubber-based ink. About the Rocket glue, have you had any issues with it deforming any parts, as one could expect from a water-based glue?
  20. Vážení Ondráš, Děkuji Vám za zaslání Vaši zprávu zde. Naše pravidla v místě aplikace vyžadují vysílání v angličtině. Použil jsem Google přeložit vaši zprávu do angličtiny, a výsledky byly velmi čitelné. S přátelským pozdravem, Dear Ondras, Thank you for posting your report here. Our site rules require posting in English. I used Google to translate your report into English, and the results were very legible. Kind regards,
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