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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. You should post some pictures from the show!
  2. Ah, Fort Ross -- I recently had trouble convincing a coworker that much of Northern California was once occupied by the Russians.
  3. Hello, Paul. I have moved the post for you. Hope someone can help you out. Cheers!
  4. Welcome aboard! I'm a transplanted Californian, most recently from Mariposa in the heart of the mother lode, but grew up in Humboldt County with frequent backpacking trips into the mining country of Trinity and Siskiyou Counties, so I'm quite familiar with seeing dredgers at work. Your Phantom looks very nice!
  5. Interesting timing -- I was just working on my family tree yesterday and came across a distant cousin who served a long stint aboard USS Grayson (DD-435), a member of the preceding Gleaves class. He transferred to Grayson after doing one patrol on USS Plunger (SS-179).
  6. Semore, from here the only difference I can see between your model and some other highly-rated ones is that yours has perhaps slightly less weathering, but your crisp painting and neat metal work looks right up there to me.
  7. This is not at all an uncommon reaction to first-ever unboxings.
  8. 👮‍♂️Tweeeeeet! I'm calling a foul on this one. You can't just say you're starting a card model and not tell us what it is! 😉
  9. Some excellent suggestions have been made so far, but I don't think that anyone has mentioned ventilation yet. Make sure your work area is well-ventilated.
  10. I wouldn't be too hasty to make that judgment. I'm not as well-versed on the plastic kit world as I once was (many, many moons ago), but I know that it is not uncommon for injection molds to legitimately exchange hands between plastic kit companies and that Trumpeter has acquired molds in the past in that fashion. I'm not qualified to speculate any farther than that.
  11. Congratulations! Looks fantastic -- even has the flag blowing in the right direction!
  12. Looks like you succeeded. 😉
  13. I have no insight on which of those two kits is more historically accurate, but if you purchase a kit through Model Expo, you get free replacement parts, should you need them.
  14. The gun is in and the top straps are in place. After I completed this task, I noticed I hadn't done all the bolt heads on the knees along the hull. **sigh** I hit on a rather easy way to simulate these by using thin slices of styrene rod, but this will be a task for another day. In the meantime, I placed one of the seat covers in the photo; as you can see, the sheet from which that part was taken is very light-colored, so I'm considering the possibility of staining or painting these. Otherwise, to my eye at least, they just stand out too much. Also, a question for Jim or others who have built this: The instructions call for the gun pit ladders to be installed before rigging the gun tackles, but it seems to me that the ladders would be in way a bit. Should I rig the tackles first? Cheers!
  15. Heck, I know people that scratch build without power tools. I do find my Dremel rotary tool very handy, and technically it is a power tool, but it's not a mill, lathe, thickness sander, or band saw, if those are the kinds of power tools you're thinking of.
  16. Hullo, yes, it's been a while. I was waiting until I had some discernible progress to show. The caprails, knees, and rubbing strakes have been added. Next up is supposed to be installation of the gun, oh boy!
  17. The hull form of the Gloucester schooners is considered among the easier types to plank.
  18. That model was part of my recent Christmas haul.
  19. Build logs are not visible via FB. FB users can only view logs by visiting MSW. We occasionally share photos from build logs to our FB page to highlight activity here in an effort to attract visitors to our site.
  20. Robert, my great-great-grandfather was a "guest" of the Federal government for a year at Fort Delaware after being captured at The Wilderness. Cheers!
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