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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Based on my very limited experience with Corel (one kit -- woo-hoo!), this is not likely to be the last difficulty you encounter. Of course, such problems exist in just about any kit, but Corel in particular seem to put less effort into their lower-end offerings compared to their top-of-the-line models.
  2. Bit out of the way for me, but let me know if you ever do a show somewhere on this side of the pond.
  3. Feedback will likely do little good. The reason for that is that these companies tend to do a single print run of the product, and when that is sold out, that's pretty much all she wrote. Off the top of my head I don't know of any instances in which Halinski has done a reprint. They do, though, offer corrected parts, but these are printed as part of some subsequent offering of a different subject. Not exactly convenient, but that's the way they do it.
  4. Hi, Quincy, and welcome. The San Juan Nepomuceno is a substantial undertaking! Right away I can see some potential for problems with your planking technique. Fortunately, we have some resources here that can help you out. Check here to find some PDF planking tutorials, and be sure to start a build log so that you can get some more tips, advice, and encouragement. I hope this turns out to be an enjoyable hobby for you for many years to come. Cheers!
  5. Kopeikin, The Swan-class were English ship-rigged sloops of the late 18th century. The Fly and Pegasus models offered by Victory models are of this class, though in 1/64 scale. 1/48 is the scale in which many admiralty board models were built.
  6. Normally we don't allow topic bumping, but I think this topic merits an exception. I edited the title to hopefully entice a few more nibbles for you.
  7. Yep, these are great kits, and sadly Midwest is no longer making them. Our loss.
  8. Another trick I used for tracking parts is to separate numbered parts from their sheets and sort them into zip lock bags, numbers 1-50 in one bag, 51-100 in another, etc. Works for people who dread spreadsheets. :-)
  9. Merhaba Adam! Bu harika bir gemi modeli! Görüntüleri bizimle paylaştığınız için teşekkür ederiz. Eğer yapabilirsem, bu sadece bir ingilizce forum olduğunu hatırlatmak isterim. Google gibi bir çevrimiçi çevirici kullanabilirsiniz (bu, bu mesaj için yaptığım şey). Mükemmel olmak zorunda değil. Anlam yeterince açık olacak. Şerefe!
  10. Welcome to the world of kit-bashing, even if entering unwillingly! Even many of the newer POF Model Shipways kits were designed so that much of what would have been included as pre-made parts in a typical Euro-kit has to be made from scratch in the MS kit. I can tell you from experience that that was certainly true for the POF version of Katy. Have no fear -- you can do this!
  11. Yep, what Russ said. I'd be interested to see how your experiment unfolds.
  12. Amazing preservation down there at two miles deep. I remember reading a book about Lexington when I was a kid. I don't think many kids today have any inkling of how important the Battle of the Coral Sea was in thwarting Japanese advances into the Southwest Pacific. Heck, most kids today probably don't even know there is a Southwest Pacific!
  13. Don't be too worried about whether people are liking your work or not. It's true that cardboard is not everyone's favorite modeling medium, but that doesn't mean that people don't check in to see your progress. You might be interested to know that this isn't the first cardboard model we've had posted here, but it's been a while since we've had one. It's obvious from your work so far that you have some real skills, since cardboard is not the easiest medium to work with, and your model appears very neat and does, in fact, look like a South Dakota-class battleship. I'll be interested to see how you accomplish all the little detail work. Cheers,
  14. I tend to use the tip of my #11 knife blade to pick up small parts. The tiny little stab mark is imperceptible. Oh, almost forgot to add -- I picked up some EZ-Line (just came in the mail today) and will give it a whirl on my current project.
  15. Dry transfer lettering usually comes in typefaces appropriate for that period. Try searching for it at shops or websites that cater to model railroaders, or search for "dry transfer lettering".
  16. No fear of that. If you already have the kit, then there's now harm in giving it a go. I heavily modified my kit, but I have seen it built essentially out-of-the-box -- just maybe a little more challenging to do than with some others. Good luck!
  17. Welcome! Having built the Flying Fish myself, I'd very strongly suggest you consider something else as a 2nd project. The FF is, in my opinion (for whatever that's worth), one of the worst kits on the market. My example was a mess of terrible instructions ('translated' from Italian), poorly printed rigging diagrams, poor quality and period-inappropriate fittings, and some of the worst wood I've ever seen in a kit. Corel's higher-priced offerings are often well spoken of, but I think they cut a lot of corners on FF to keep the price down. Cheers,
  18. Hi, Claude. My first tip is, don't use your name as your post title. It's a bit confusing and unlikely to get you many replies. Second, you say "this co." Which company are you talking about? Model Expo? Who did you speak with? Keep in mind that Model Expo has limited production capacity; if they list a kit as being out of stock, it could be a while before they gear up for another production run. In the meantime, have you checked eBay? There's usually a lot of MS kits available there. In fact, I think Model Expo is even an eBay seller if I remember correctly. I didn't see one listed just now, but you can create a search for one and have an email alert sent to you if one turns up. Hope you find one soon!
  19. I saw your comment about "sloppy" work and will only make the point that as the actual builders of the models we make, we tend to be too close to our work -- both literally and figuratively. It's important to keep "stand-off viewing distance" in mind. Apart from the fact that your work does, in fact, look very good when seen close-up, from a stand-off viewing distance the overall effect is fantastic. BTW, I also vote for Hornet.
  20. Saludos, prudencio, y bienvenidos a MSW! Tenga en cuenta que todos los anuncios en MSW deben estar escritos en inglés. No tiene que ser perfecto; bastará con un traductor como Google. Cheers!
  21. I always like seeing something off the beaten path. Some impressive scratch-building chops shown there, too!
  22. I think there may be a teensy problem with the Google-translated page, since I'm pretty sure the French never had a ship named "La Clone."
  23. If you absolutely have to break the "go simple" rule of thumb, then Snake is not the worst violation you could come up with. It's a pretty straightforward design as far as three-masters go, and the lack of fancy ornamentation simplifies things. Cheers!
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