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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Don't forget to add a couple of inches to the case for height and to include the base & pedestals in your overall height measurement for the model.
  2. Remembering from waaaaaay back in my plastic modeling days, I recall that East Bloc model kits (if it dates back that far) were not thought very highly of for either fit or detail. The kit may have more value for a collector than for an actual builder.
  3. innkeeper, I have merged your two topics because they are really asking the same question. Note also that I have re-titled your post. Please have a look here for guidelines on posting. Thank you!
  4. Easy to do, Bill. First, use your mouse to highlight the URL of the topic you want to link to, then right-click and select 'copy'. When you compose the post you want to add the link to, highlight the text in which you will embed the link and then click the link button in the tool bar (it has an image of a chain link with a little green circle with a plus sign); a small pop-up box will appear. Right-click in the URL line and select 'paste' to add your desired URL. Last, click the OK button in the lower right of the window. That's all there is to it.
  5. Bill, Since you are basically going to be starting all over again, I would start a new log in the scratch section and add a link to the new log in this thread. Cheers,
  6. No card model kit is 100% foible-free, and finding and fixing the design flaws is part of the 'fun' of card modeling.
  7. Por favor, que es necesario para publicar mensajes en Inglés . Utilizar un traductor de Internet, si es necesario. Gracias.
  8. Hey, Slog! The W is for wyciąć, Polish for 'cut out'. Have you ever thought about investing in a Japanese screw punch?
  9. Hi, Bob. It's unlikely that your model was built from a kit. It looks very much like one of the decor models that were popular in the first half of the 20th century. Many of them were made in Spain, and Columbus' ships were popular subjects. Good luck with your restoration! Regards,
  10. I can't help you with your question, but I can help you get more responses. In the forum rules & guidelines it states: I have edited your title for you. Hope someone gets back to you quickly. Cheers!
  11. Buying the entire series of Swan-class books will set you back a bit, but IMO Volume IV on rigging is well worth the capital outlay for builders of Fly or Pegasus. Chris Watton's rigging diagrams are well done, but with David's book you also get a very thorough verbal description of the masting and rigging process. Here's the link to the relevant page at Seawatch Books. Volumes I-III are written with scratch building in view, and kit builders can probably glean as much as they need on sprucing up the kit by browsing the Fly and Pegasus build logs here at MSW.
  12. This is why I build waterline models. Seriously, though, I'm crossing my fingers for you. Maybe I'll even have a crack at a full hull myself some day.
  13. Welcome! Try the search feature to search the kit build logs. There are at least ten build logs for Virginia, including several finished ones. You should be able to find what you're looking for. Good luck!
  14. Just to clarify your question, kuya, are you trying to mimic the finish on actual vessels? If so, what era and type of vessel?
  15. I think Convulsion would be a fine choice as a second model. The only thing to be forewarned about is that it is one of Caldercraft's early releases; those kits were rather skimpy on the instructions. But with your prior experience, you should be okay.
  16. Rob, Check out the NRG article here. Also, see the cautionary tale here. Also #2, use the advanced search feature and the keywords "first build finished" to search the kit build logs for kits that were successfully completed by beginners. These resources will give you a fair idea of what is manageable for a first-time builder. Regards,
  17. Let's start by asking what, in particular, about these two kits appeals to you? P.S. Don't post the same topic in different forums.
  18. Bill, that sounds like you got scammed. Shipyard kits are printed on A3 paper, a European format that measures 11.7 x 16.5 inches. Any seller in China should set off many blaring alarm bells!
  19. Clare, I've been out of action for a while due to job change and moving into an apartment without room for modeling. All my supplies are currently in storage. It'll be some time before I have a model of any kind on the ways.
  20. I'm actually very excited that we have both this build and Slog's build of Borodino going on concurrently, as it gives our membership a great glimpse at what is possible in card. Fantastic work so far, Clare!
  21. Slog, I have used contact cement with some success (I mentioned it in the V108 tutorial), but like you said, it is pretty much a one-chance deal. I like it for mating large surfaces together, but I haven't tried it on anything quite so large as your model.
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