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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. All glued up! Putting all the parts together reminded me of my fisheries work days when we used to regularly visit a hatchery that had crisscrossing lines suspended at different heights over the raceways full of fingerling tout and salmon -- the crossing lines supposedly played havoc with the depth perception of the local kingfishers. Well, these crisscrossing rods and struts definitely messed with my depth perception as well! I won't place any weight on the struts until the glue has cured for 24 hours.
  2. Hello, Swinging the Lead. May I suggest you create a separate build log for your model? I'm sure our members would enjoy seeing your work.
  3. More work on the gear . . . If I counted correctly, each gear mechanism will have 33 parts when completed.
  4. I see several other members have beaten me to the recommendation about the cannon. They are not period-correct. Amati's off-the-shelf swivel guns are not great, either.
  5. Fairings, fairings, fairings . . . First we have a couple of the flat parts, a bunch of partially shaped ones, and the scribing tool I used to help shape them. Did you know that a Wildcat has eighteen underwing fairings in five different sizes? 😑
  6. I strongly suspect that the rigging is not original to the model. Decorator models typically have rigging that is as fanciful as the rest of the piece. It looks to me like a previous owner re-rigged it and tried to make it somewhat more reflective of actual practice, although it is apparent that certain aspects of the model hindered his efforts, as can be seen, for example, with the stays at the mast tops.
  7. That's coming along very nicely, Andrew! If it turns out that you are, in fact, short three benches, scratch-building some replacements should be relatively easy.
  8. Moin, moin! Welcome to MSW! I look forward to seeing some of your projects. Cheers!
  9. I see a Tamiya Matilda Mk. III on your shelf -- built one when I was a kid.
  10. I remember reading about von Werra when I was a kid.
  11. Much cheaper to acquire than either plastic or wood, but far less water-resistant. 😏 Like most modeling media, card has a learning curve, and the masters of it are very, very good. I am not a master. Here's Halinski's Mk.V kit built by someone who knew what they were doing:
  12. Hey, I have that same aircraft waiting on my shelf, too! Except mine is the Halinski card version. 😉
  13. A small amount of progress today. Further work on the gear: While waiting for these to dry, I decided to work on the numerous fairings and other bits on the lower wing surfaces, starting with two large intakes. IMO, these are over-engineered and result in no significant gain in either sturdiness or ease of construction. The Halinski Wildcat uses a mere three parts to make each of these structures; the WAK kit uses SEVEN -- three separate outer skins plus four internal frames. Despite their apparent simplicity, these were no cakewalk to make, and I'm not completely happy with how they turned out. Cheers!
  14. So, if you remember your F4Fs well, then you'll recall that the Wildcat had a shockingly complicated (and manually retractable!) landing gear. Here's where we get to see that a 'card' model typically includes media other than card -- wire and styrene rod in this case. First we have the bits that go inside the gear bay, twelve pieces in all. And then we have to start building the complex struts themselves. Like most all card kits, this one includes templates for making the various wire or styrene pieces -- they're just not usually this labor-intensive. So far I'm pleased with how these are turning out. BTW, I'm not showing you the finished cowling scoop. The poor Wildcat's nose really is a weakness in this kit. 😑
  15. I don't wish to derail this topic and turn it into another endless "everybody's VM wish list" discussion, but I will make the following general observations: (1) While there may not be a kit of Susan Constant available, there is already a decent number of kits for small galleons (or similar) on the market. (2) If you do ever decide to go non-UK, bear in mind that US East Coast types are already well-represented by Model Shipways, BlueJacket, and Wye River Models. (3) On the other hand, there is nearly a complete lack of US West Coast types on the market.
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