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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. Where does it even say that? (Perhaps I'm putting my ignorance on display here?)
  2. A beautiful model in every aspect -- congratulations!
  3. Small update . . . I finally had some time (and mojo) to work on the landing gear. Here's the parts for the main struts, their wire innards, and the resin wheels (with some preliminary painting done). And here's the main struts rolled and the inboard sides of the wheels done. There are some residual pock-marks on the wheels, which I do not intend to fuss about, as they are not ginormous. Well, maybe I'll fix them -- one never knows. I've applied a couple of washes to the hubs to try and grunge them up a bit -- they effect is more noticeable in real life. Still lots more to do.
  4. I remember this wee beastie. I hope we may see some progress once the term is out? Hope your student teaching went well!
  5. If we are sorely tempted, but don't really have the necessary display space, does that count as interest? 😉
  6. As you are learning, wood is a relatively forgiving medium. Stuff can be removed, re-shaped, and/or re-added to one's heart's content. If that was plastic or card, it would probably be game over. Good luck!
  7. Welcome aboard, John, from down the road in Greer!
  8. I feel like I should receive some sort of merit badge for having completed the original Sherbourne! 😉 Enjoy your project!
  9. No, you can add photos full-size and resize them afterward. That's what I do -- create the post first, then resize the pictures before submitting it. To pull up the resizing tool, you simply double-click on the image.
  10. A wonderful model and another equally wonderful build log to go with it! Congratulations!
  11. Okay, wheels weren't actually next! The instructions called for mating the wing and fuselage, followed by adding the wing fillets. Here's the left side done, with the parts for the right side for comparison.
  12. The right wing is now skinned. I will not be showing any close-ups of the finished wing tip -- if there is a pro technique for doing those neatly, I have yet to discover what it is!
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