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Everything posted by ccoyle

  1. The fashion pieces have been added. Like other parts, these were pre-cut (BTW, I found out that these pieces are cut from 'black hornbeam' -- since hornbeam isn't black, these pieces must have been dyed, as I previously supposed), but they did not fit in the allowable space. I needed to cut them into two parts, trim a little off of the curved section, and then glue the separate parts to the hull.
  2. Nice job, Greg! Out of curiosity, I googled the Deutsche Reichspost (the Reich Postal Service), expecting it to be a Nazi-era creature, but was surprised to learn that it was established in 1870 and operated until 1945. They even set up a system of public videophones beginning in 1936.
  3. Witam! Prosimy pisać wiadomości w języku angielskim (jesteśmy forum wyłącznie w języku angielskim). Tłumacz online sprawia, że zadanie jest szybkie i łatwe. Thank you!
  4. Contract logging, or did you work for one of the big timber companies? If memory serves, I think LP owned much of the land around Fort Bragg?
  5. The current generation of cell phones have sufficient resolution to take shots from farther back, which makes for a thicker focal plane, and then crop the image down to what you want.
  6. As a follow-up to this episode, I had an exchange with the designer this morning on one of the Polish card modeling FB groups: I like the part where he leapt to the conclusion that I must have worked from a pirated kit. 🤨 I have previously suggested that some of my problems with certain Polish kits may hinge on the fact that I'm not Polish, since Polish modelers have been known to complete fine examples of models I have struggled with. But I simply cannot accept Mr. Pacynski's argument at face value, since I have attempted five of his kits and only managed to complete two of them. Even those two finished models had numerous issues (as documented in my MC.200 Saetta build) and were not very much fun to build. And I'm not alone in this assessment, since other builders have shared their MPModel struggles with me in the past. For whatever mysterious reasons, I have never had the same struggles with one of Pawel Mistewicz's KK kits, so draw your own conclusions. 🤔
  7. I know the area from when I worked in the CCC. Did a lot of work on the Noyo River and Usal Creek. We stayed in the Jackson DSF while we were on assignment there. I should say we camped at Jackson, and the Corps gave us a $10/day stipend for meals -- they were too cheap to put us up some place nice!
  8. The name "Blanco de Sal" is odd, since it literally means "white of salt." I think whoever manufactured that curio meant to say "Barco de Sal," which means "ship of salt."
  9. All the inboard bulwark veneers have been added, along with the covering boards. After fixing some of the chipped second planking layer, here's where we now stand compared to where we left off last May: That's all for now!
  10. Not being an expert on WW2 Japanese paint flaking myself, I must place my trust in the researching skills and technical abilities of the kit's graphic artist. Regardless of whether the print accurately reflects the wear and tear of the original, it will look cool when built! 😉
  11. Once the decks are on it's time to start working on the inboard veneers. These are not as easy to work with as the concept might sound. The veneers are beautiful, but also thin and therefore brittle and prone to warping when wet, as when coated with wood glue. I learned this last bit through trial and error -- mainly error. I got the port veneer on in one piece, luckily. The starboard side had some fit issues -- only the first gun port cutout aligned properly; the others were off by about 0.5mm. So I did this: I then glued in the forward piece and trimmed the second piece so it would align properly. And then things went south. The aft piece of veneer resisted not one but TWO attempts to glue in and seat properly thanks to the veneer's aggravating tendency to curl when wet. There's a narrow channel between the deck and bulwark that the veneer is supposed to be seated in, and curling didn't help. Each time I pulled the veneer off I had to scrape the cured glue out of the channel with a dental pick. Then I did this: This allowed me to install the piece in smaller chunks. Things worked out this time. The process is going rather slowly because I am first wetting, shaping, drying, and varnishing the veneers before installing them, so there's a lot of drying time added to the schedule. That's it for now! Next up will be the quarterdeck veneers, followed by the covering boards.
  12. Wow, Valeriy! That is another world-class model -- it reminds me of the beautiful builder's models from bygone days.
  13. That brings back some memories! All during my childhood and even long into my adult years in Humboldt County, California, there was a derelict dredge that languished, grounded, in one of the sloughs of Humboldt Bay. It was an everyday sight when driving up and down the county's only north-south freeway, Hwy 101. I found this image of it online: The dredge was not used to maintain any channels, but rather to build up the levees surrounding the adjoining pastureland. In recent years, the land became part of what is now the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge, and much of the pastureland has been returned to its original salt marsh state.
  14. Folks, It's time to put an end to all of the "not build logs" that get created in this area -- which expressly says "builds" in its sub-forum title. To fix this problem, we have created a NEW sub-forum just for finished non-ship models that don't include build logs. You can read about this new sub-forum by clicking HERE. Now go and make good use of it! Thanks! P.S. Please also note that this area is for things that are built, i.e., things that are models or model-like, even if they are 1:1 scale. This isn't an area to share arts & crafts or to ask general questions about modeling. We have an area for that sort of thing -- it's called Shore Leave! Thanks!
  15. Welcome to the Completed Non-Ship Models sub-forum! This sub-forum is provided as area in which to share photos of completed models that don't happen to be ships and for which the member either does not have or doesn't wish to share a build log for the model. With that in mind, here are a few simple guidelines: This area is essentially our gallery for non-ship models, therefore post images of COMPLETED MODELS only! Don't include any in-progress photos. Continue to place your build logs in the non-ship builds area. Images that violate this rule will be removed. If you have images of your completed model in your build log, you are not required to post them here as well. You can do so, of course, but it's at your discretion. NO TAGGING IS ALLOWED IN THIS AREA! Continue to use the normal naming convention for posts in this area, i.e., (name of subject) by (username) - (name of kit manufacturer) - (scale) - (MEDIUM). Example: Volvo 142 by joeshmoe123 - ESCI - 1/25 scale - PLASTIC. You do not need to add 'finished' to the title -- we know it's finished because it's in this area! Remember, people go to the builds area to see builds of models, so if you just want to share pictures of finished models, this is the place to do it. Enjoy!
  16. I have the card version from Halinski -- a great print with very realistic chipping. It's depicted in the exact same livery as this kit's box art. The Shiden-Kai was a very capable and menacing-looking aircraft.
  17. I have a card model version of this aircraft, but I don't have a molded canopy or turret for it. Scratch-building those bits looks a very daunting task! If you have never read the novel Piece of Cake by Derek Robinson (I recommend it), one of the central characters meets his end in a Defiant. I won't disclose exactly how -- you'll have to read the book!
  18. Charlotte, As you were advised previously, please try sending a private message (PM) to Igor. If you mouse over his profile image, a pop-up screen will appear that includes a button for contacting the member.
  19. Here's some inspiration for you, Paul. This model is on display at the Channel Islands Maritime Museum. Steam schooners played a significant part in the history of Northern California's timber trade before modern roads made the transport of sawn lumber by truck more economical.
  20. Moin, Peter! From your description it sounds like you are living in Schleswig-Holstein somewhere? I was an exchange student in Aurich (Ostfriesland), but I was also able to visit both Kiel and Lübeck -- good memories! Tschüß!
  21. Ha ha! Thanks for providing evidence of my age-related memory loss! 😉
  22. Very nice! I'm not familiar with this kit or its publisher -- what can you tell us about them?
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