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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. People use BobCAD, Master-CAM and there are others. I am sure people will be saying which, it all depends on what you want to spend and what you want the software to do for you.
  2. Excellent work. You have to be the first that I have seen bend ebony like that. Keep the post and pictures coming. And Thank you for sharing.
  3. Antony, did you try Mach 4 software? I am using Mach 3 but I also have a BOB so that I can use it in windows 64 bit.
  4. You can get the wood everywhere. Any craft store, Home Depot or Loews has it also, just have to look, Hobby Lobby also
  5. All those little steps add up. Excellent work. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  6. Beautiful wood. I love the wood I have gotten from there, can't say enough about them.
  7. You moving along nicely, I am enjoying this. Thanks for sharing with us.
  8. John please do an update as to which ones you buy and how they live up to what you want from them, I really do want to know so that I have an idea which way to go. And I don't sleep, I take naps. I wake up in pain and I go to nap time in pain, screw sleep LOL
  9. I will be watching and waiting for the updates and pictures. Thank you for do this.
  10. John, you made me sit here and laugh when you said the Social Security LOL, I also get 100% from the VA and I still had to laugh at that. Thanks for making me smile, I guess I should thank god I don't have any grandchildren as of yet LOL.
  11. I like druxey idea. But it still comes down to having it look like it did before the fall and also your the BOSS.
  12. Now that is from a man who knows his tools, I have gotten a good amount of tools because of what he says and have not been let done as of yet. And Lee Valley is a good place to spend your hard earn money at, I know I have spent mine there more than once.
  13. I was able to get the ones I needed a different way all in all I have them. Man do I remember these pictures from when you were building this on MWS 1 back in the day. Thank you for sharing this with everyone here you are a Master in your own right.
  14. Oh, my fault I thought you bought them from Lee Valley. The ones that the link goes to I have myself, I bought them from there about a year ago myself. Thank you for getting back to me.
  15. Thank you. Now I know it isn't me, most times its because I am not doing something the way it suppose to be done. Thank you
  16. I can open it and see all the files, but I can't download it. You say you can download it? or are you opening it?
  17. Can't seem to download the third one (Part 26-45). Anyone else have that problem?
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