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Everything posted by WackoWolf

  1. I am falling in love with this, these plastics ships have me hook
  2. No need to call me mr. I work far a living once, 3 years 5 month and 22 day and then gut hurt. And then had to get a real job instead of party all the time.
  3. She is coming along beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us.
  4. Glad to see your back. We all get to that point where we think about quitting so don't feel alone.
  5. This has turn out beautiful. Almost makes me want to go out and buy one, but I have to many kits on the shelf and under the table and everywhere to do that, maybe if I live long enough I will. Beautiful work. Keep the pictures and post coming, always looking for more to see. And Thank you for sharing the excellent build with us here.
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