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Posts posted by bdgiantman2

  1. On 2/7/2018 at 3:54 AM, Omega1234 said:

    Thanks for the compliments!  Well, I'm not too sure that 'masterpiece' is an apt description, but I'm pretty chuffed with it, nonetheless. 


    Have a great week!





    Hey Patrick, I have seen several pics of both Shadow as well as Majella on MSW Facebook. Yes, Patrick, those two yachts go down as masterpieces! You are very skilled :)



  2. 4 hours ago, Mike Dowling said:

    Did you choose the colour scheme yourself or is it based on the real boat ?

    It seems to me from my research that mostly real boat. On my model of Royal Yacht Mary I am giving her a royal blue coloring, even though indigo paints were just starting to come out around that time or soon afterward. I just personally dislike black other than for the wales unless needed (like the painting for Constitution or Victory). Many paintings I have seen of Mary or similar yachts of the time show a black paint with blue tints when in the sunlight correctly. The red paint on inside may be a bit bright, I have heard many modelers like to use a caboose red.

  3. I have been wondering that same question involving my model of Yacht Mary. That is, of course, if such metal work was even being done at that time. Even though Mary was a century earlier than Utrecht, I have read that the design and build of the Statenjachts varied little during that time. My two books about the Utrecht never said anything about those metal pieces. Been wanting to get that other book from Sea Watch about the early Dutch sailing ships.


    Brian :)

  4. You are doing an amazing job on this model of the Utrecht.  In my research of these beautiful ships, I have never personally seen before those slides for the lee boards. Nice job making those slides. Do you think that the Yacht Mary would have had such slides for the lee boards even though Mary was almost a century before Utrecht?  Have heard that the Dutch liked to stay consistent with how ships were built and designed such as the statenjachts. Looking forward to hearing from you and viewing the next update.


    Brian :)

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