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Everything posted by bigcreekdad

  1. I'm cutting Alaskan yellow cedar for myCheerful build. I'm using the sliding blade on my Brynes saw. Please look at the output in the attached pic...very rough and splintery. These are small pieces with ...1/4" x 1//2"x smaller. I did some same size cuts with cherry, and they were slightly better. Do you think this what to expect from AYC, or is my slitting blade the issue?
  2. Thinking of buying one before I take another plunge into a scratch build (Halifax). Harbor Freight has one for less than $60 that has pretty good reviews. Any other suggestions?
  3. I'm at the sealing stage of my Smuggler build. Before moving on to deck work, I need to seal the hull to protect it from stains,dirt etc until I paint it later on. First...any thoughts on sealers? I have some water based Varathane Poly. Is this OK? Also, it is water based. As such, does this limit me to water based paints? Sorry if this is stupid question...it's my first ship that I will not plank, and I don't paint my planked models. Thanks/John
  4. Does anyone use that foam cradle from Micromark? Or, if you have any suggestions foe one, please let me know. Thanks/John
  5. Nice job. I toured this vessel in Toledo a few years ago. I couldn't get over the amount of ropes on the ship. Question...what gauge wire were you using to make the eyebolts? Yours look great! Also...on my Dos Amigo build, I got so frustrated with the, IMO, lousy chainplate stuff that came with the kit, I eventually used hobby jewelry chain from a local hobby store. I painted it black, and I think it turned out well. See my build log if your are curious. In any case, I quite like your progress.
  6. I am curious....I have a cabin in northern michigan with a lot of cedar trees. While this is not AYC, might it be a good wood to try? There are many dead, but still standing, trees I could readily harvest.
  7. We have a cabin in northern Michigan. Our property is quite wooded and there are many downed trees in the forest. There is walnut, oak, and maple, besides poplar, cedar, birch etc. I burn quite a bit of it in our wood stove. I've often wondered if this downed, long dead, wood could be used for modeling. Any thoughts?
  8. How interesting. I always wondered about this. A lot of knowledge in this group.
  9. Remember, you always have the option of not coppering. I coppered my Pickle, and I really went back and forth on it. However, in the future, if I am very happy with the planking, I will not copper. Especially if I am substituting with woods like cherry or swiss pear ( a really nice look). You lose the authenticity I suppose, but, for me anyway, that's not of utmost importance. You are doing well.
  10. Has anyone ever tried these? There are times when I think it would be nice to be working closer to eye level without sitting in a chair.,
  11. You might find Caldercraft's Pickle a good one to start with. My first was their Sherbourne, another possible first build. The Pickle's instructions are better, but, honestly, there is a ton of info on this site and YOuTube re: planking that might be better than any instruction bo Let us know what you decide. Have fun!
  12. If you have a fly fishing shop near, go there and you will find what will work
  13. I have been using INOX curved cuticle scissors. I'm very impressed. You get really close cuts on rigging lines, blocks, etc. However, I fly tie as well so might try the Stellar scissors. You can never have too many pairs of good scissors.
  14. Some headway since last posting.Deck pretty much finished (other than anchors). Lower main and fore masts installed with first trestles, and onto the shrouds. Been studying the rigging plans, and have a headache.
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