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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Denis Been waiting for more post from you, but nonthing happened. Are you okay mate? Greg
  2. G'day Dave I love your enhancement of the lantern. It proves that you can improve on excellence! Havagooday Greg
  3. G'day Bill Looking good mate and I'm sure this time it will be what you want. I'm trying to change the word "re-do" to "enhancement". Its sounds a lot better saying "I have to do an enhancement of #####", instead of "I have to re-do the #####". What do you think? Havagoodone mate Greg
  4. I can hear Noooooooooo from allover the world. There is 1 thing I hate: the word "re-do"! Let's call it "enhancement" instead. Its sounds a lot better. Good luck Mark on the enhancement of the rudder!
  5. G'day Mark Life is a learning curve. I don't know about you and all our family on this great forum, but I learn something every day. That way we grow stronger and if I dare to say, wiser
  6. Again mate, just brilliant. A qiestion though, what are your plans on the side next to the transom? There's a gap which doesn't look finished yet. Havagooday my friend Greg
  7. G'day Toni Thank you and that is exactly what I want. Thanks a million mate. Havagooday Greg
  8. G'day Patrick and Bob I've been trying to work out this myself. The yacht is 37 metres long which is 93980 inches. The model is 7 inches long, therefore there's 13426 lengths of the model into the length of the yacht. So what is the scale?that is where I'm stuck! good luck in working this out, but I think 1:200 far too big, it has to be smaller than that! Greg
  9. G'day Patrick Like everyone else, I'm at awe at what you have done in such a miniscule scale. Love it, love it, love it all. On the first photo, I enlarge and after gazing at all of that pic, I click next then next and so on. At the last one I was so sad
  10. G'Day dave and Pat When I was doing some research on the HMS Endeavour, I think I was talking to Anthony Longhusrt from the SMM in Sydney. He told me about the Davit that they didn't put on the replica because of public tripping hazards, that is when he told me there was only one on the original. Havagooday Greg
  11. George and Patrick says it all. I wonder have you got any more that no one knows about? Havefunmemattie! Greg
  12. To be more exact wha is the WIDTH of each rib/section? THANKS Greg
  13. G'day Toni maybe my technical term might not be correct. I mean eachhull section as per this photo. Havagooday Greg
  14. G'day Dave If I'm not mistaken, the Endeavour only had one davit, but two places where it will go, on each side. When they want the davit they moved it from side to side. Havagooday Greg
  15. G'day Bill brilliant idea on your treenails. I'll try that method, rather thn my usual one of drill a very fine hole after the timber is varnished and rubbing a tiny piece of coloured filler in and sanding off the excess. Then varnish again. Havagooday Greg
  16. G'day Mark A job well done! It looks so fiddly and the end result is a piece of "art". Havagooday Greg
  17. G'day Toni Brilliant work on the "big guns" mate. They look superb on the deck! Just curious thought, what was the thickness of the ribs? They look so authentic! Haveagreatone Greg
  18. G'day Patrick Brilliant job to say the lease! But when I gave you my order for this yacht, I ordered a double French door refrigerator from the galley!
  19. G'day Bill Looking great to me. I always trust my "mind's eye" rather than a plan. Remember it's your model and you have to put your own touches to it. That way it's your creation not a stock standard from a plan or a kit. Havagooday Greg
  20. G'day Dave Can't agree more! You are doing a marvellous job on the chains. I've got mine to do in the near future, I'll be happy to get near to your standard mate. Havagooday Greg
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