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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Bill I can say ouch also. A few months back I was stupid enough to drill will a blunt drill bit and the bloody bit broke and went into my thumb. There's still a thick skin feeling where it was drilled! But gradually it's improving. Hope your thumb will be quicker to recover than mine. Havagooday my friend Greg
  2. G'day Mark Congratulations on a first class final panking! Good idea to prepaint the gunports sides, and Ian is correct saying that the ports alignment looks superb! Havagooday Greg
  3. G'day Mark I'm no expert on rudders, all of your versions looked great to me. I can see a minor difference, but as the saying goes in Australia "a blind man would love to see the difference." All I've noticed is that dreaded black line is even on the rudder. It must be a reaction with the glue and the final coat. But it still looks great, you could say it has an age appearance! Happymodelling Greg
  4. G'day Keith Brilliant work to say the lease! The perspex idea is a way of the future for all the coming RW builders. The alignment if the transom is dead vertical. ... well done mate! Happymodelling Greg
  5. G'day Danny. Again immaculate work. Your knowledge is so vast and I, for one thank you so much for sharing it with us. I've got another question. I think it was in your last build. You mentioned that you left spaces in the internal planking for fresh air below decks. But where does the fresh air comes from? Thanks again mate Greg
  6. I agree with David B. Beside on the realship, the hinges weren't perfectly smooth because the Black Smith would have left marks all over it. Besides, no one would us a jeweler's loop to examine your port lids. Happymodelling Greg
  7. G'day Patrick Beautiful work on the furniture mate. I can close my eyes and can imagine that I'm lying on that incredible lounge on the sun deck and having my butler pour me a cold glsss of champagne (French of course) and giving me some horderves. "What a life!" Havagooday mate Greg
  8. G'day Pat I assume that you are going to leave your yards stained, not black as per the period colour scheme. I'll be leaving my stained as well,ecxept for the centre where it will be black. great work on the yards! And pease tell us where you got that jewellery block tool? Havagooday mate Greg
  9. G'day Mark. Lawrence is absolutely correct of what he said in his entry. Couldn't agree more! If I thought (and I did) that your last rudder was good, this one is outstanding and it's a lesson for us all. Never give up, there's always room to improve. You're right Mark on your signature line when you said wood is patient, but sadly I'm not! Havagooday Greg
  10. G'day Toni. Excellent work on the port lids and the fine details in the painting. The hinges are brilliant. Happymodelling Greg
  11. G'day Toni Great job on the woodworking of the rails. The GEM razer blade idea is brilliant! It will go into my memory vault. Havagooday mate Greg
  12. G'day Ulises. Great work mate. I love your tool! Is it home made or a bought one? I think I'll will tryto make one myself. Havagooday mate Greg
  13. G'day Mark Brilliant second planking! A little scrapping and sanding is all you need to do! Cheers Greg
  14. I'm with you Lawrence! Bloody hard to know what's coming next. All I know it's going to be great! Havagooday all Greg
  15. G'day Danny Again I'm speechless. The buttons are up to your usual standard. To high for us mortals. The gratings are also uniquely you! Did you say they were 0.75 mm wide, if so what is the thickness of your saw blade? I would like to know where you got it, so I can get one for my proxxon saw table. Thanks mate Greg
  16. G'day Patrick I'm keep on forgetting how small this build is. With all the details in all the rooms, I'm stunned to think about how difficult it must be. Havagooday mate Greg
  17. G'day Nils Like all of us, we hope that your back will be better very soon. No one should suffer pain! It not only the physical pain, but also the mental pain knowing that you can't do your beautiful ship. I pray that the day that you're pain free, will come very quickly not only for you, but your loyal followers. Havagooday mate Greg
  18. G'day Dave Bravo and ditto to all the above! I can see many, many hours in the transom. You make it look so easy, it's the sign of a true craftman! Havagooday Greg
  19. G'day Keith Brilliant work mate. I don't like the word re-do, I rather prefer enhancement! Your enhancement will make one hell of tje difference mate. Keep up the great work and havagooday. Greg
  20. Again great work on the rudder Mark. I'm amazed how much details there are in a rudder! Goodonyamate Greg
  21. Naah Sydney and it's surrounding towns has more modelshipwright talent than Melbourne Kevin, not including you of course! Greg
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