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Greg the peg leg sailor

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Everything posted by Greg the peg leg sailor

  1. G'day Denis What a session you had! Simply incredible from 5he marvelous stained glass windows to the cap rails and everything in between. Just a thought though, I've been going through YouTube and I've found a very interesting idea regarding CA glues. When you use CA or in Australia it's called Supaglue, and if you sprinkle baking soda over the CA then clap the pieces together and then sprinkle baking soda in the join, the join became super hard and the gap can be wiped off and then sanded to get a very smooth join. This will only work if the object is going to be painted. Happymodelling Greg
  2. Denis has hit the nail on it's head with this statement! You are too bloody fussy. The slightly messy paintwork only shows up in when you blow up the photo. At your scale no one will see it. Havagooday mate. Greg
  3. You haven't seen anything yet! Your eyes will be in a treat, so stay in touch!
  4. G'day Nils There are no words in our English Dictionary that could truly express how great your details are in this incredible model. There might be in the German's dictionary dictionary, but I doubt it. The Forecastle deck looks so real, it could actually work! Goodonyamate Greg
  5. Bloody marvellous mate, she is getting on just beautifully! Can't wait for more photos. Havagooday Greg
  6. It's easier for me to repeat what I've said before. Simply amazing Greg
  7. G'day Dave As George said,it's was a pity of your re-dos, but it does look better! Re-doing is a part of our lives, I guess. Keep up your high standards mate. Havagooday Greg
  8. G'day Denis Look good mate, the paint work is top notch! Something about the red and green rings a bell to me, let me see,...... oh yes! Mario Bros! Now, wasn't there a large fish called Bubba in the game? Mmmm...... Are you planning to do a scene from that famous Nintendo 64 game when Bubba eats Mario? Lol Looking for your next post mate, keep up the great work. And I'll will keep on guessing what you are planning. Havagooday Greg
  9. G'day Keith. Firstly welcome back to down under. How was t h e wedding of your cousin and the beautiful food in Japan? Congratulations on a incredible transom of the RW. It really shows off your excellent and imaginative solution for a difficult area of yhe ship. I'm certain other RW builders from now on will be looking deaply at this method. Well done mate. can't wait for the next entry. Havagooday Greg
  10. G'day Steve Thanks for the info. I've got a Jaycar store about 5 minutes drive from my home. Havagooday Greg
  11. G'day Marsalv I getting to sound like a broken record! Brilliant, amazzzzing workmanship. The decorations are a treat for anyone. I sure I don't have to say "keep up the yood work", because you always do. Havagooday mate Greg
  12. I know what you mean. My work area is so messy, but tje floor is clean. I always have to sweep up to find things that I have dropped. Greg
  13. G'day Denis I'm so glad that you scrapped the pitched roof. I was wrong and I admitted it, first time for everything. Lol. Brilliant work mate and the lacquer sure does bring out the colour in the shingles. Havagooday Greg
  14. G'day Patrick Amazing details on the tiny jet skis. All I can say mate, you have a very steady hand and great eyesight. They look so real, ready to do wave jumping and spinouts. Havagooday Greg
  15. G'day Denis Let me explain: Captain Bubba was a shrimp boat captain is a quote from Forest Gump. Hence my thoughts what you might be doing somehow. Havagooday Greg
  16. That's what I think also, your workmanship is breathtaking! Give Nils the time before Dr Per or Dr Phil.....we all need him! Great work Nils, don't know how you keep up your high standards, but always do. Havagooday mate Greg
  17. I know mate. I was only joking. Didn't mean to you to take it te wrong way. Havagooday mate Greg
  18. G'day Danny I must agreewith Mark, the red does make it pop and it's so obvious it's a cutaway! Greg
  19. G'day Mark It's look good to me! Love the windows and the carving. With your new toy, you are getting too fussy, and I guess I would be the same. Havagooday mate Greg
  20. G'day Denis A SHRIMP BOAT CAPTAIN? Is that what you are hinting at? I love the roof mate, and you're right not using the itch roof! Well mate Havagooday Greg
  21. Thanks Danny. Just maybe, do a more rough cut so it will be obvious to other people. Your neatness is somtimes too neat, if you know what I mean.? Greg
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