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Everything posted by amateur

  1. Took me some time, but today I managed some work last week i doubled all frames (below waterline). next I attached the first bottom plate. Put it in model by rolling it on the inside with my x-acto knife handle, on an oldfashioned (foam) mousemat. Worked perfect after the glue tacked, IPutthe second skin on. It almost fitted some disaapointment when I removed the tape, after drying. Somehow the colour sticks to the tape. Glue residue, sooemthing to do with my print, I dont know. Need for touch-ups ... and I had a very small overlap at the corner. I cut a very small sliver away, but in the end that turned out to be a chunk that was way too large. Some need for touch up.... I will dollow the kit in making an overlap between the lower and the upper hull. Butting red aginst grey seems to be too much of a ask for me. apart from the need for touch-up, I am not too disappointed: some slight starving cow effect, but not too much. All other skins are curved, angled and otherwise problematic, so I keep my fingers crossed Jan
  2. Exactly how much do you use from the kit itself? it looks as if you replace almost everything Jan
  3. Does your scan/print sequence result in acceptable colours? Last time I needed such an action, it took me several tries to get the colour right .... Jan
  4. And for those followers who do not know. Here you can find them. 39 rather detailed drawings. http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/archief/ead/index/zoekterm/Marine tekeningen/aantal/20/eadid/4.MST#c01:0. I can not give a direct link to Java, go to entry 1.2.21, there they are (as well as drawings of some other famous ships) I like the longitudinal section: you can almost put it to you wall as art: http://www.gahetna.nl/collectie/archief/inventaris/gahetnascans/eadid/4.MST/inventarisnr/3528/level/file Jan
  5. I guess you know of the ships drawings in the dutch naval aechive in the internet?
  6. hi Piet, sorry Surabaya is again in second place, :), but the Java will be a worthy number one:) Jan
  7. Why should you nee one? After carefully fitting and checking, glueing should be possible without too much problems. I have seen people using jigs (with various results), but more often people clamp something square (such as a bunch of lego-blocks) between bulkhead and keel. something like this one (I borrowed this from the internet) (notice the building board to keep the keel strainght.) Jan
  8. I have seen steelwool/vinegar used , but the effect is very much dependent on the type of wood. So extensive testing on amonts used is necessary. Not something you want to do on the realstuff Jan
  9. Nothing in Kane on this subject? His thesis suggest that side-wheelers had a sharp bow, like in the scan above. Jan
  10. This one turned out wonderfully. I guess your next one will even be better. Don't start without warning us. I want a front-row seat Jan
  11. No offence taken, I know the model is not th actual ship, however.....looking at a modelof a ship with a history, I can't but think of that history. That's why I think the presentation of these ships should be done with some respect to the original. And yes, calling a sub a cigar isn't unusual, no problem with that. Jan
  12. Hey guys, O16 became the war grave of some boys that gave their life for the freedom of others. Not something to present jokingly. Jan
  13. The answer depends on the type of rig, not so much on the era. The basics didn't change too much over time, the exact rigging (eg number, or type of blocks) however did change. But it is difficult to explain 'in general' without going into technical terms..... Also: a general description most probably does not answer your 'obscure lines' You could try to place a picture of the 'offending lines', and we'll try to answer. Jan
  14. There is quite a lotoffotographic evidence onthis model. try to get hold of a book by Heinrich Winter, titled: hollaendische Zweidecker 1660/70' (make sure you dont pay too much, and that the drawings are included) and have a look at a tread here in msw where Peter is working on a model in1:1 of the original model of the model (not the ship itself:) ), look for hohenzollernmodel, and you'll find it somewhere in the scratchbuild section of the forum jan
  15. Is Model shipsways Mayflower still available? Smaller than Syren, less complex (whiloe less gunnery), same designer, and an instructionbooklet that is equally instructive. Jan
  16. Nice work (don't forget to paint your last piece ) silly question: what are the grooves in the masthead (or actually above the masthead) for? Jan
  17. they are colourpictures, and some of the deck-planking is missing. Oterhwise we could think that it is a picture of the original. I very much like the detail and atmosphere of the model. Could watch for hours to those pictures. Jan
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