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Everything posted by michael20

  1. Great job Dennis. I built the Lindberg shrimp boat model and I used that open gauze for the nets after dyeing them, they turned out to be very convincing nets. Just a thought. Love the way she is coming together. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  2. Astounding, Great work Popeye. Lovin the {Chronicals of a model build} That's all in the fun of the hobby and you do a great job. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  3. Fantastic I love the attention to detail. Great job Patrick. Happy Modeling. Marty G.
  4. Wow Patrick that is one very fine model. Great intricate craftsmanship there. As it goes for me the older I get the larger the models get so I see what I am doing. I am glad I found your build and will be looking forward to seeing more. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  5. Mehmet, Thanks for the link, I have another build going on in the shipyard right now but your build has sparked a lot of interest. I will be looking to build one in the near future. Thanks again... Happy modeling, Marty G.
  6. Great looking model, What did you use to get the weathering effect on the wood? If you put it in front of a picture from the coast it would be convincing as the real thing. Do you have the source for plans for that model? I love the lines of the boat.. Great job and Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  7. Great work Popeye, About those lights, There is a product at the craft store that works great and is super clear when its dry and only shrinks a very little, You may have seen it and walked past it. it is called Alleene's Clear gel tacky glue. I have used it on several occations with great success. I love the way she is coming together. I'll be looking forward to see how the rigging turns out. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  8. Christine, First of all Hello and welcome to the site. Start by reading over the instructions good and dive right in. if you run into anything that does not make sense to you just get on here and ask your question. There are a very awesome group of modelers that can offer you very good advice and many ways to solve some building problems. The best part of learning, is doing, and making a few mistakes along the way. We all have made our fair share of them but you will find that most all can be fixed and it is its own learning experience. Happy modeling , Marty G. P.S. Great model by the way, Looking forward to see the transformation from planks and string to a model you will be proud of.
  9. Great work Popeye. Can't wait to see her cutting the wake. Very nice details, great to see it all coming together. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  10. Oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!! Say it ain't so.
  11. I will say that you are moving right along. Looking great, I will say that building the small boats have challenges all of their own. I will be following with anticipation. Great job. Happy Modeling. Marty G.
  12. Micro Mark sells them, They come in several sizes too. They are nice. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  13. Ahhhhhh as we are finally in the bullseye of some fair snowfall this season I took a bit to catch up on your build Popeye and as it comes together the more awesome it gets. Great detail, I love the look of workboats anyway so I will keep checking in to see this beauty as it comes together. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  14. Wow Popeye, Things are sure coming along. I am looking forward to the ongoing story of it all coming together. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  15. Wow that looks great, Looking foreward to seeing more. Happy modeling. Marty G.
  16. Hey Kevin, I am looking forward to seeing the future gizmology on your build. I hope you are coming to the next meeting. Great job so far on your Skipjack. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  17. Tim, That's one fantastic picture. It would make a great compliment to your model. Happy Modeling, Marty G.
  18. The ultimate problem is every time you look at it you will automatically look at that spot, me on the other hand may not even see it because the rest of your build is so good to look at. I love it, I think it looks fantastic. They always say you are your own worst critic. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  19. DocBlake, Fantastic model it gives me the inspiration to get off my duff and build the one I have in the shipyard. I have some rope that I bought from Chuck that I will use on mine. I love the lines and the rich color of your build. Thank you for sharing. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  20. Looking great Tim, Can't wait to see the next time you bring it to the meeting. I had a great time with you and the guys Saturday, I needed that. Thanks a bunch man. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  21. Awesome Popeye, Love the color. As far as overspray and the places where it gets under the masking that is all the fun of modeling. I can't wait to see what is yet to come of this exciting build. Great job as always. Happy modeling, Marty G.
  22. Popeye, I can say when you are on a roll you are on a roll. Great details and the drybrushing on those louvers adds to the realism. Fastastic man. Marty G.
  23. Looking really great Kevin. No big deal on the centerboard, I will be watching to see the future unfold. Happy modeling. Marty
  24. Great start Gene, I am looking foreward to seeing how this turns out. Happy modeling, Marty G.
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